Rhinoplasty Surgeon India

Primary Rhinoplasty

Primary Rhinoplasty

Primary Rhinoplasty is simply the first nose job surgery that you will get. Rhinoplasty is a very complex procedure because of its structure and the kind of functional and visual impact that it has on the anatomy of the nose and the face. Essentially primary Rhinoplasty can be a life-changing surgery for you. Therefore you need to understand what it entails and what results you can expect.

Reasons for Seeking Primary Rhinoplasty

There can be many reasons for seeking Primary Rhinoplasty. Contrary to popular belief any good surgeon will simply not do a rhinoplasty for you just because you feel like it. You need to need Rhinoplasty. Common reasons for seeking Rhinoplasty include:

Primary Rhinoplasty can be done as an open or closed procedure depending on the type of changes that are made to the nose. The closed Rhinoplasty is done from the insides of the nostrils and therefore does not have any external scars. On the other hand, open Rhinoplasty involves making the incision at the base of the columella, the tissue between the nostrils, and thus removing the skin of the auricular cartilage. The scar is visible in open Rhinoplasty but it heals well, the choice of open or closed Rhinoplasty depends entirely on the surgeon. A combination of cosmetic and functional Rhinoplasty can be used at the same time to get the desired results.

Primary Rhinoplasty aims to ensure that whatever corrections are to be made in the nose are done with great precision so that the results are excellent & long-lasting.

Before and After Photos of Primary Rhinoplasty

Frequently Asked Questions for primary Rhinoplasty –

Question 1: Why does primary rhinoplasty fail?

One of the main reasons for unsuccessful rhinoplasty is choosing the wrong rhinoplasty surgeon. You should take extra care not to get any blows to your face or If You Have a very thick-skinned nose structure.

Question 2: Which Country is Best For Rhinoplasty?

The 4 Best Countries for Rhinoplasty are India, South Korea, Thailand, and Turkey are popular destinations for patients looking for affordable Rhinoplasty Surgery.

Question 3: When primary rhinoplasty stitches comes out?

Primary Rhinoplasty Stitches can dissolve within seven to ten days after surgery, however, other stitches can take up to three months to dissolve.

Reference Links Section –

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2825123/
  2. https://journals.lww.com/plasreconsurg/Abstract/2021/11000/Why_Primary_Rhinoplasty_Fails.16.aspx
  3. https://rhinoplastysociety.org/procedures/surgical-rhinoplasty/primary-rhinoplasty-international
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