Rhinoplasty Surgeon India

The Bulbous Nasal Tip

One of the most prominent features of the face is the nose. And the most noticeable feature of the nose is the tip. Its plays an important role in balancing the overall facial harmony. The size and shape of the tip can distract from other facial features and its oversize can affect the entire appearance.  On the other hand, the right tip size for the nose can enhance or emphasize the facial features in great detail. This is the reason that the shape and size of the nose is the cause of insecurity among many. In fact, tip plasty and rhinoplasty are the most common types of cosmetic surgical procedures around the world.

What is a bulbous tip?

A bulbous tip is a type of nose tip which give the tip its round or bulging shape. The shape can also cause the tip of the nose to become droopy or hooked or even upturned in some cases. Bulbous tips can also times be wider than the nose bridge. It is also known as boxy or rounded tip and makes the nose look too big for the face.

What causes bulbous nose tip?

The nose is essentially made of bones, cartilage and soft tissues. The shape, size and structure of the nose depends on these components and each nose is unique. The bone forms the shape and projection of nasal bridge, the cartilage shapes the tip of the nose etc.

Do you need a bulbous nose rhinoplasty?

Bulbous or boxy nose tip surgery is called a tip rhinoplasty or a tip plasty.  Getting is corrected is your personal decision in most cases unless there is some functional difficulty necessitating the procedure. Here are some key factors to consider to understand if you need a bulbous nose tip plasty

If the answers are yes, then you need a bulbous tip correction surgery. The bulbous tip nose surgery also becomes necessary in case of rosacea or rhinophyma patients to avoid the changes in the nose. It will prevent your nose from become large or hampering the breathing ability or cartilage damage collapse.

Be careful of the myths surrounded by Bulbous nose tip causes. Alcohol, running or running your nose does not cause the nose tip to enlarge.

Benefits of bulbous nose rhinoplasty

The results are clearly visible in the rhinoplasty of bulbous nose before and after photos that you can see in the surgeon’s office. If you chose to undergo bulbous tip rhinoplasty under the top rhinoplasty surgeons you will enjoy amazing results

Bulbous nose rhinoplasty

This is a simple procedure done to reshape the tip of the nose to a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing shape and contour. This is done by reshaping the cartilage or debulking the skin. if the cartilage is weak then the surgeon and repair or reinforce the weak or damaged cartilage in the bulbous nose surgery.

Depending on the amounts of corrections needed the surgeon can chose either a closed rhinoplasty or an open rhinoplasty. the aim is to refine and reconfigure the cartilage and soft tissues and reshape the nose tip. Many a times this procedure is combined with nose bridge augmentation for a more wholesome result.

In a closed rhinoplasty the incisions are made on the insides of the nose and the surgeon uses endoscopic camera to see the insides of the nose and make the necessary corrections. Open rhinoplasty on the  other hand is used when there are complex and extensive changes needed in the nose tip. The incision is made on the base of the nose to have a better and full access to the cartilage, bone and tissue inside the nose. There are no visible scars both the procedures. it is best to choose a credible, experienced and trustworthy rhinoplasty surgeon like Dr Debraj Shome who has extensive experience in tip rhinoplasty for bulbous nose correction and can give natural and desirable results. Being selective with the bulbous nose tip surgery surgeon will save you a lot of trouble of additional revision rhinoplasties in the future.

Techniques used in bulbous nose rhinoplasty

Depending on the cause of the boxy tip, the skin type and condition and the refinement needed in the tip the rhinoplasty surgeon can use any of the following surgical methods to improve facial harmony and overfall appearance of facial features

Each person’s nasal anatomy is unique, and the approach to bulbous nose surgery can be tailored to individual needs and desired outcomes. Surgeons work closely with patients to understand their goals and create a personalized surgical plan, ensuring that the results align with the patient’s expectations. It can also be combined with dorsal hump correction.

How to prepare for bulbous nose job?

Pre surgery precautions are necessary to ensure safety and comfort during the operation and smooth results afterwards. Here are some things to keep in mind

Cost of bulbous tip rhinoplasty

Nose tip rhinoplasty cost is one of the most common questions that come to a patient’s mind. The cost is influenced by many factors such as surgeon’s fees, faciality fees, graft cost (if needed), anaesthesia fees etc. the price of bulbous tip rhinoplasty also varies with the location and experience of the rhinoplasty surgeon.

If there are other functional issues such as deviated septum, allergies etc, that need to be correct along with the boxy tip then the nose tip rhinoplasty cost will increase accordingly. Cosmetic nose tip rhinoplasty is not covered by insurance. The surgeon will first do a consultation of the nose and work out the amount of work needed to fix your bulbous nose tip. After this they will give you an estimate cost of the tip reshaping surgery. this might include the post operative care costs also. Then you can discuss the payment plan and other things with the clinic.

The Bulbous Nasal Tip Before After Photos, See the Patient Results-

FAQ for bulbous nose rhinoplasty

1. Does the bulbous nose become bigger with age?

As we age the skin laxity decreases and gravity begins to take its effect. The nose does not grow bigger or rounder but it is the skin and ligaments and tissues around it that become weak and it appears as if the nose is becoming bigger.

2. Can people with thick skin have a bulbous nose surgery?

Yes, and very successfully.  The fat and the muscles under the skin can be trimmed or scrapped to create a more defined tip. Making corrections on a ticker skin is slightly more challenging but for an expert rhinoplasty surgeon it is an easy task. Tip cartilage reshaping, suturing and cartilage grafts can give great results. 

3. Can I get rid of bulbous nose without a surgical procedure?

Yes, non-surgical bulbous nose rhinoplasty is done using liquid fillers. Hyaluronic acid based  and calcium hydroxylapatite fillers are safe to use and FDA approved. The whole procedure takes about 20 minutes to complete and the results last anywhere from one to three years. The fillers are injected around the tip and the nose bridge to sooth the bumps on it so make the nose look straighter and thinner. Fillers are also effective in improving the symmetry of the nose and thus deemphasizing the boxy nose tip. This procedure is less costly than the surgical tip plasty procedure.

4. Does the tip plasty alone give ideal results?

When you refine the tip of the nose then the nasal bones and nostrils can appear wide or if you shorten the nose or reduce the tip then the bridge also needs to be adjusted along with it. combining the procedures makes sure that the new tip fit in with the facial features. Sole tip plasty is one done for patients who do not need other adjustments in the nose or the nose tip is not too bulky.

5. What is the recovery after bulbous tip rhinoplasty?

The average recovery time is around 8 days. If there is a cast placed or outside stitches then the surgeon will remove then after six days. You can resume normal work in 2 weeks after the surgery . The swelling will go down in about 6 weeks and full swelling will subside in about one year.

6. Can a revision rhinoplasty be done for bulbous nose tip?

Yes, but several factors influence this such the number of surgeries you have had previously for the nose, the strength of the framework of the nose, the level of scarring on the nose tip.

Reference Link –

Ref 1: https://www.scarlessnose.com/blog/bulbous-nose-job-everything-you-need-to-know-about-bulbous-nose-tip-surgery/

Ref 2: https://www.funkfacialplastics.com/bulbous-nasal-tip/#:~:text=refined%20nasal%20tip.-,Bulbous%20tip%20causes%20are%20most%20frequently%20due%20to%20misshaped%20cartilages,thickness%20of%20the%20overlying%20skin.

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