Rhinoplasty Surgeon India

Is closed rhinoplasty more desirable than open?

Is closed rhinoplasty more desirable than open?

The first rhinoplasty done was an open nose job, performed in 600 BC in India. The surgery aimed to restore breathing function in a woman who had lost her nose in a battle. In 1800, French surgeon Dr. Joseph Bartholomew started using skin grafts from the patient’s forehead and ears. In the early 1900s, Dr. Harol Gilles introduced the innovation of the nasal flap, which is still popular today but in a more advanced form. Since then rhinoplasty surgery has made significant progress in terms of techniques and innovations.

Rhinoplasty is also known as nose job or nasal surgery and can be done in both surgical and nonsurgical ways. It can correct many issues with the nose, such as a crooked nose, drooping or upturned tips, prominent nose, small nose, bump or dip in the bridge and breathing functions, nasal polyps, injury abnormalities, inflammations, symmetry balance, and nostril correction. It often involves cutting the bone and reducing the thickness of nasal skin. In some cases, the surgeons also use grafts to augment the nose. The surgery is usually done under anesthesia and takes about 2-3 hours to complete depending on the technique used by the surgeon. Rhinoplasty can be done using the open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty procedure. Both aim to improve the form and function of the nose. Still, open rhinoplasty is usually done for reconstructive purposes such as repairing a trauma nose, etc.; closed rhinoplasty is done to correct minor flaws and a deviated septum.

Open rhinoplasty

As the name suggests, this type of nose job is done by exposing the nose’s framework so that the rhinoplasty surgeon can see the structures inside the nose. This is one of the common approaches to performing a nose job as it gives the surgeon more space to maneuver around the nose. Incisions are made in the columella (tissues inside the nose ) and sides of the nose. Incisions are generally hidden inside, but the one across the columella might be visible for some time. This nose surgery technique gives the surgeon the freedom to lift the nose’s skin providing access to the tip, sides, back, septum, cartilage, and external nostrils of the nasal structure. Open rhinoplasty is done in cases of

Pros of open rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty is a widespread technique, but it has advantages and disadvantages. The pros include

Cons of open rhinoplasty

Recovery after open rhinoplasty surgery

The initial recovery time is about four to seven days, but the time might be extended if it is a functional open rhinoplasty. The surgeon will place bandages or a splint on your nose and give you something to stop the bleeding. The surgeon will tell you when the dressings can be removed, usually four to six days after the surgery. It is normal to experience nasal congestion, swelling, bruising, pressure inside the nose, headache, and nausea. This will go away in 10-14 days.

Closed rhinoplasty

In this nose job, the surgeon makes small incisions inside the nose to make the desired changes. Although it does not give much visibility, it still lets the surgeon work with great precision. This is a more common type of rhinoplasty in cosmetic nose surgery procedures. The rhinoplasty surgeon can sculpt and shape the tissue of the nose with ease to give a natural and aesthetic outcome that suits the facial features. This is a more complicated procedure that needs finer techniques on the surgeon’s part and cannot be used for making significant structural changes in the nose. Closed technique for nose surgery is done for

Pros of closed rhinoplasty

Cons of closed rhinoplasty

It is an invasive surgery and, therefore, not without some disadvantages because it gives the surgeons a little less visibility than open rhinoplasty.

Recovery post-closed rhinoplasty

This surgery recovers faster than open rhinoplasty, about 7-10 days. The surgeon will instruct you to lubricate the nose and use nasal sprays to reduce the congestion and remove mucus as the nose heals. Inflammation, nosebleeds, minor swelling, and internal infection are common problems post-closed rhinoplasty.

How to choose between open and closed rhinoplasty?

Many factors affect this decision, mainly based on what needs to be technically done inside the nose. The surgeon will check the framework of the nose and its strength it to decide which technique will suit the best. Each structure, including the cartilage and tip, can be manipulated using open or closed rhinoplasty, depending on the complexity of the surgery. The other factors affecting the selection include

It is not possible to state which method is better. You must discuss all your expectations with the surgeon and ask about his surgical expertise and recommendations.

The cost of open Rhinoplasty

The cost of open rhinoplasty is higher than that of closed rhinoplasty, but it depends on how many procedures or corrections. In addition, the surgeon fees, experience, and location also affect the cost of rhinoplasty suitable for you.

Whether you choose to have open or closed rhinoplasty, you must consult the best surgeon in india with the experience and expertise to address your concerns regarding your nose. Have a detailed discussion with your surgeon before deciding on the best option. This is the only way to know which rhinoplasty you are suited for. Your doctor will discuss your concerns and goals and then determine the best treatment for the particular case.

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