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Navigate the Path to Nasal Correction: All About Deviated Nasal Septum Treatment

Navigate the Path to Nasal Correction All About Deviated Septum Treatment

Can you imagine living without a nose? No right? It is the front centre of your face. It’s shape and size add to the dimensions and appearance of the face. We know that the nose is essential for breathing but it is not as simple as air in and out. The air that you breathe in is humidified and cleaned for the lungs by the nose, the nose gives tone to your voice, the nose is responsible for the sense of smell which is an important part of memory functions.

No matter the shape and size of the nose, it is an essential part of your identity. However, for some people, the simple function of breathing is not so easy because of the deviated septum. About 70 to 80 per cent of people in the world have some degree of deviation in the septum. It requires treatment when it causes nasal obstruction.

What Is A Deviated Septum?

Before we go into the faces of finding the deviated septum treatment options, let us understand what the septum does inside the nose.

The septum is the thin wall that divides the nose into two parts. It is a flexible component of the nose. When for some reason the septum moves to one side it can give a crooked appearance to the nose One nasal passage becomes smaller than the other. This displacement can be one or both sides. Normal deviation does not cause any issues but when it is severe it can make life difficult because of reduced airflow.

Sometimes the septum can become deviated at several points giving it an S-type curvature and more crookedness leading to mild to severe breathing issues. So, the severe nasal congestion that you have been facing and wondering if it is because of allergies or sinus infection, can be because of a deviated septum.

Many people thing that nasal breathing symptoms are because of allergies or a bad sinus but the number one cause of such nasal blockages often turns out to be the deviated septum. Hence a correct deviated nasal septum treatment because very important.

What Causes Deviated Septum?

Some people have a deviated septum by birth. This is often because of before birth development or injury during delivery. Many times, the deviated septum can also be because of bending and deformity because of ageing. Injury is another major cause of deviated septum. The types of injuries including bumping your nose when you are young, contact sports, accidents, rough play etc. Even if there is no fracture, the contact injuries can change the shape of the flexible septum. Injuries can also affect the septum’s future growth especially because of childhood injuries.

Is it possible that I have a deviated septum and not know about it?

Yes, septal issues often go unnoticed unless you are experiencing any symptoms. The most visible symptom of a deviated septum is the difference in the sizes of the nose. or if you look up the nose you can see the uneven nasal passage.

However, since the nasal passages extent to the back of the nose to direct air to the lungs, a deviated septum can occur anywhere on the septum. The best solution to correct a deviated septum and get relief from the symptoms is to consult an ENT specialist.

Symptoms of deviates septum that can necessitate a treatment

The Common Symptoms of a Deviated Septum Are

Do Deviated Septum Cause Ear Problems?

Yes, they can. A tube called the Eustachian tube connect the middle ear to the back of the nose in order to balance the pressure in the ear. The swelling in the nasal passage because of septum deformity can prevent drainage of the tube and sinuses leading to pain, pressure and infections in the ear.

Will The Deviation Of Septum Get Worse With Age?

The nasal structure does change over time and thus it can cause changes in the deviation of septum also. It might get worse and make the symptoms more intense. It can also cause changes in the appearance of your nose.

Deviated nasal septum is not life threatening. It can be easily treated using different deviated nasal septum treatments. However, in young infants it can be a cause of worry and need an immediate treatment. but if you have been suffering from bothersome symptoms then why not get it corrected?

Can Deviated Septum Correct or Heal On Its Own?

No, it does not correct over time. Talk with your rhinoplasty surgeon for the correct solution, don’t waste time in wating for it to correct itself.

Deviated Septum Treatment

The treat begins with a first consultation with your rhinoplasty surgeon. This will help determine the line of treatment whether the issue is mild or severe. Mild issues can sometimes correct with medical intervention, whereas surgical issues need an expert deviated septum surgery. The surgeon will also do a physical evaluation and sometimes x rays to get the correct view of septum.

Medical Deviated Nasal Septum Treatments

Minor deviations that cause mild congestions and breathing issues are often managed symptomatically. The common treatment options include

It is important to remember that these are not solution to the problem of deviated septum. These options just help reduce the symptoms and get temporary relief. Septoplasty is done to correct the deviated septum

Deviated septum surgery/Septoplasty/Nose job for deviated septum

Septoplasty is a popular, safe and effective way to correct the deviated septum and restore normal nose function. The deviated septum surgery is an outpatient procedure and can be done in less than an hour. The steps to the deviated nasal septum surgery are

It is important to keep in mind that the deviated nasal septum surgery is not done to change the shape or size of the nose. It is also not a cure for sinus but you will get immediate relief from the symptoms. Nor will the surgeon break any bones or put a cast on the nose.

Hence it is important that you give due time to the recovery of the nose. Rest and sleep with your head elevated till the time the swelling goes down. Also avoid exercising, running and lifting any weights post deviated septum surgery till the time your rhinoplasty surgeon says it is ok to do so. You will notice changes and ease in your breathing when the swelling goes down. Just give your nose about 3-4 weeks to start showing the difference. You will be breathing and sleeping easier. If you are interested in getting some nose reshaping done, then you can ask your surgeon about a rhinoplasty along with deviated nasal septum surgery.

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