While there is no perfect nose shape that suits everybody, almost everyone worldwide will agree that the tinner’s nose is more aesthetically appealing. All nose shapes are considered normal if they do not interfere with breathing. With that being said, a nose that is not in proportion with the rest of the face can often cause the other facial features to appear smaller and even cause you to feel self-conscious.
The shape of the nose impacts the profile of the nose the most. And since we live in the world of photos and selfies, the role of the body and the size of the nose cannot be ignored. Many people see the prominent as an unwanted feature. It is tempting to try home remedies such as exercises and home remedies, but they don’t work to narrow, streamline, or shorten the nose. If the size of your nose affects your confidence and daily life, a little bit of rhinoplasty can help you get a thinner and well-shaped nose. Some of the common motivations for wanting a thinner nose include:
In many cultures, a thinner nose is often perceived as an ideal of beauty. Media portrayals, celebrity influences, and cultural standards of beauty frequently emphasize slender facial features, including a narrow or refined nose shape. As a result, individuals may desire a thinner nose to align with these societal norms and standards of attractiveness.
Facial Harmony:
A balanced and proportionate facial appearance is often considered aesthetically pleasing. For some individuals, a thinner nose may improve facial harmony by creating a more balanced profile and enhancing overall facial symmetry.
Improved Self-Confidence:
Many people associate physical appearance with self-confidence and self-esteem. For individuals who feel self-conscious about the size or shape of their nose, achieving a thinner nose through rhinoplasty or other means can boost self-confidence and improve their overall sense of well-being.
Functional Considerations:
Besides aesthetic concerns, some individuals may seek a thinner nose for functional reasons, such as improving breathing difficulties caused by nasal obstruction or structural abnormalities. Rhinoplasty procedures can address aesthetic and functional concerns, allowing patients to achieve a thinner nose while improving nasal airflow and function.
Personal Preference:
Ultimately, the decision to pursue a thinner nose is a highly personal one, driven by individual preferences, desires, and goals. Some people prefer the appearance of a thinner nose and choose to undergo rhinoplasty to achieve their desired aesthetic outcome.
There is no one-size-fits-all definition for the attractiveness of the nose. How you want the nose to look is a personal choice. The decision to have a thinner nose should be based on individual motivations and goals and not influenced by societal expectations.
There is no doubt that that if you want to make your nose appear thinner than rhinoplasty or the nose job is the only answer. Surgical and non-surgical rhinoplasty (dermal fillers) are the two most common types.
3 proven ways to make your nose thinner
Rhinoplasty: Also popularly known as the nose job, this is the most popular cosmetic surgery of all time. This surgical procedure can permanently alter the appearance of your nose by making it slimmer and thinner, removing the humps and bumps, changing the shape of the tip of the nose, altering the angle of the nose, and, in some cases, even greatly improving the functioning of the nose to help prevent breathing issues and nose bleeds.
Rhinoplasty procedure significantly improves the overall facial appearance with just minor changes to the nose size. If you look at a rhinoplasty bulbous nose before and after, you will notice how the patient’s eyes look wider and alert, and the face looks more sculpted after the rhinoplasty to thin the nose. Nose surgery can alter the nose cartilage to give the desired results that suit the patient’s nose and bring out the facial features. Nose jobs can be tailor-made for specific needs.
The surgeons use various techniques to change the contour of the nose. For example, in the dorsal hump nose rhinoplasty, the surgeon might need to shave off the bone to straighten the nose or use a cartilage graft to augment the nose. It is a painless surgery, and the recovery is quite fast. The entire procedure takes just about 90 minutes to 2 hours to complete.
The two main types of rhinoplasties are closed rhinoplasty procedure and open rhinoplasty. In closed rhinoplasty, the incisions are made on the inside of the nose. This process is used to reduce the size of the nose and nasal tip changes. Open rhinoplasty, on the other hand, gives the surgeon more space and visibility to make changes in the nasal structure. The incisions are made outside of the nose, and the process is popular in secondary rhinoplasty and reconstructive nose jobs.
Surgical rhinoplasty needs a few weeks for recovery time, and the results continue to improve for the year after the procedure. In case of significant changes, the surgeon will place a nasal splint to support the new nose structure. The bruising might look dramatic post-surgery, but it will go away quickly, and the results become visible. For a good recovery, make sure you take good care of your nose, sleep with your head elevated, and avoid strenuous activities like swimming, flying, exercising, and even blowing your nose hard till the healing is over. The cost of rhinoplasty is based on the experience and expertise of the surgeon.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty
Also known as the filler rhinoplasty, liquid rhinoplasty or a lunchtime nose job, this type of nose surgery involves injecting dermal fillers (hyaluronic acids are the most popular) into the nose. fillers add volume to the nose and create an illusion of a slimmer nose. the whole procedure takes just about 15-30 minutes to complete and is a completely outpatient procedure. You can go back to your usual routine after the procedure. There is little discomfort and swelling, but it is hardly uncomfortable. Results last for about 6-24 months. Non-surgical rhinoplasty cost is less than traditional procedures but the results are also less noticeable.
Using makeup with nose contouring
This is a temporary but natural and workable nose thinning option using nose contouring. Effects last only till the time you remove the makeup. Here are some basic makeup instructions
- Select a concealer and foundation shade similar to the skin color and a contour shade that is 2-3 shades darker.
- Apply the foundation on the sides of the nose and use setting powder and blend it well
- Now, use the concealer to draw dark lines on the sides of the nose bridge. The distance between the two lines depends on how thin you want the nose to appear.
- Use a brush to apply a matte highlighter at the center of the nose and blend the lines lightly. This will further highlight the results and slim the nasal bridge.
There are many contouring methods available to reduce the dorsal hump or trim down the bulbous nose trip. It is just a matter of practice to apply makeup the right way. The method of getting a slimmer nose has only one prime requirement you use only good quality products always. There is no before or aftercare, but make sure you remove the makeup before bed each night.
Methods that don’t give a thinner nose
There aren’t any natural ways to make the nose thinner that have been scientifically proven. Don’t be fooled by the internet gurus; take any exercise, medicines, etc., with caution. The common popular options include home remedies such as toothpaste, apple cider vinegar, ginger paste, etc., which can irritate your skin. Putting pressure on the skin can damage the nose and no external pressure can move the nasal structure. Your nose shape is based on the cartilage and bone structure. To truly transform your nose, you need to consult a rhinoplasty surgeon and discuss the options.