Rhinoplasty Surgeon India

What Post-Operative Instructions Should Chin Implant Patients Follow?

What Post-Operative Instructions Should Chin Implant Patients Follow?

The chin is often ignored when it comes to talking about the features that can improve facial harmony. We all grew up reciting ‘dimpled chin’ in poems during our childhood. The chin is an essential aspect of facial aesthetics.

A well-defined chin gives a balanced side profile and attractive jawline structure to the entire face in men and women. The aesthetics of our face is defined by three major components and they are fat, bones, and skin. if the chin is weak or recesses the face appears to be out of proportion and your neck bands look more pronounced. When the chin is in proper proportion and position, it alters the overall appearance of the profile as well as facial contours. Lack of definition and chin positions can

There are many reasons why men and women consider chin augmentation or using chin implant surgery in India especially when they are done by the best chin implant surgeons in India. Chin implant and improve the projection and shape of the chin by strategically placing the implants under the skin. Each chin implant is made to be custom fit for the patient. The procedure can be done using a surgical procedure or through a minimally invasive procedure.

The surgical approach used by the best chin implant surgeons in India involves using synthetic and pliable chin implants on the chin and securing it to the bone. The non-surgical chin augmentation uses fillers to modify the shape of the chin temporarily.

Benefits of chin implants

Chin augmentation or chin implants have many benefits

The results of chin implants are permanent and they improve facial view from all angles. The results are most natural looking as the implants come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials to match the patient’s expectations.  There is no or minimal visible scarring post-chin implant surgery as the incisions are made under the chin or from the insides of the mouth. Best chin implant surgeons in India use a holistic approach for cosmetic chin implants to get the right proportions between the nose, forehead, cheek, eyes, and jaws.

Who can get a chin implant?

Chin implants are suitable for any healthy male and female who has achieved full bone development and

Recovery post-chin implants

The results of cosmetic chin implants depend largely on how well you take care of the skin and follow the post-surgery instructions. Chin implant surgeries have some normal risks like other cosmetic surgeries such as

Implant recovery tips

Good recovery begins with preparing for the procedure itself. Injectable chin implants have short recovery periods as they are temporary. You can go home in about half an hour after the observation period. Surgical or synthetic chin implants are a different story altogether. It is a less than two-week healing routine that you need to take care of. Make sure you have somebody to drive you home after the hospital stay and have someone stay with you for the first night home. Take all the prescription medications with you home. Wear button-up or zip clothes that when wearing or removing the clothes they do not pull on the cheek when wearing or removing clothes.

The first week is very crucial for the right healing. There will be some swelling, redness, or bruising around the incision site which is quite normal.  These signs usually go down later in the week. You can do some light work but avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and bending over.  Following the aftercare instructions is a very important and make sure you follow them to the letter.

You can resume your normal activities such as driving two days after the surgery. Keep in mind that if you are in pain then it can slow down your reflexes. And if so then don’t drive! You might have some lingering numbness, stiffness, and sensation of drooling along with difficulty in moving the lower lip for a few weeks after the chin implant surgery but don’t worry, this is normal and it does not look strange. As you heal you will start to feel tingling sensations and even slight random pain as the nerves heal and come back to life. You will get full sensation back on your chin in 2-3 months after the implantation procedure.

Inform the chin augmentation surgeon immediately if

Chin augmentation cost

Chin augmentation or genioplasty is a cosmetic procedure done to improve the appearance of the chin. The cost of chin augmentation surgery in India is mainly influenced by the type of implant used. Other factors that influence the price of chin implants in India are the surgeon’s experience, the location of the clinic, hospital charges, and the post-operative care needed. The medical history of the patient, complexity of the procedure, expected outcome and if there are other procedures combined with it also affect the chin augmentation cost in India.

The importance should be given to selecting the right qualified and experienced plastic surgeon for chin plants to ensure the best results and no risk of complications. The cost is generally not covered by insurance rhinoplasty but you can check with your provider for more details.

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