Unraveling the Origins: Understanding the Factors Behind a Deviated Nasal Septum

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Nasal Septum

Unraveling the Origins: Understanding the Factors Behind a Deviated Nasal Septum

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Though not a visible part of the nose, the nasal septum plays a vital role in how comfortably you breathe and the shape of the nose. It is fragile and comprises bone and cartilage covered with mucosal tissue. This inner wall separates the right and left nasal cavities. 

A straight nasal septum runs down right in the middle of your nostrils, and each side of the nose has equal space. This ensures proper flow of the air and regular breathing. When the septum becomes deviated, crooked, or displaced, one side of the nose becomes smaller.


When the deviation is minimal, it is barely noticeable; however, when the displacement is significant enough, it can be visible in the shape of the nose. About 10-80% of people in the world have some deviation in the septum. 


Many go through their lives without experiencing any problems with a deviated septum. Still, for some, the symptoms can be challenging to ignore and interfere with overall health and daily activities. 


How Do I Know If I Have a Deviated Septum?

There are some physical and functional symptoms of deviated septum that make it easy to identify:

  • Crooked nose shape and tip: The septum is a thin wall. A deviated or displaced septum can cause the nose’s structure to become crooked and the nasal tip to appear lopsided. In cases of severe deviation, the septum influences the alignment of cartilage and soft tissue. The lower portion of the septum, where it interacts with nasal tip cartilage, can result in an asymmetrical appearance. 
  • Difficulty breathing: The difference in the size of the cavities interferes with normal breathing through the nose. This becomes more apparent when you try to sleep, exercise, or participate in extensive sports activities that elevate the heart rate. Many people resort to mouth breathing, which drives the oral organs and eventually damages the teeth. Saliva drying also attracts decay, causing bacteria to breed in the mouth. 
  • Nasal congestion and obstruction in nostrils: When one side of the nose is smaller, it seems like the nose is blocked. It becomes very noticeable when you have a cold or allergy that causes the nasal passage to swell and the airway to narrow. 
  • Repeat sinus infections: Nasal congestion caused by a deviated septum can make sinus drainage difficult. This leads to frequent sinus infections and postnasal drip. Many people mistake sinus infections for colds and allergies and delay the symptoms. The sinus infections may be resistant to medications. 
  • Recurrent nosebleeds: A deviated septum makes air circulation inside the nasal passages difficult, making the surface of the nasal septum dry. This makes one prone to nosebleeds and increases the risk. This is more common with the giant nostril. 
  • Facial pain: Severe deviated septum when the surface in the nose touches causes pressure on the side of the nose and hence facial pain, which is usually one-sided. 
  • Headaches happen because of stiffness and sinus pressure caused by the deviated septum. 
  • Snoring: Noisy breathing during sleep can be caused by a deviated septum or swelling of the tissues in the nose. Snoring can help you and your household get a good night’s sleep. 
  • Nasal cycle awareness: The nose breathing cycle alternates from one side to another. So, one side is obstructed, and then the other side is. On a usual day, you will not notice the breathing, but the nasal cycle becomes quite noticeable in case of a septum or airway obstruction. 
  • Sleeping on one side: To optimize breathing, people prefer to sleep on the side where the nasal passage is not narrowed. 
  • Worsened sleep apnea: This is a condition in which a person stops breathing during sleep. A deviated septum can contribute to worsening this issue. 

Secondary complications of the deviated septum can be ear infections. 


When Should I Go To The Doctor?

If any of the symptoms bother you, it’s time to consult your healthcare provider. The doctor will ask about the symptoms and physically examine the nose from outside and inside. The doctor will then help decide the best action for a permanent resolution. 

What causes a deviated septum?

Some people are born with a deviated septum. Some other causes of deviated septum are

  • Impact injury to the nose that results in cartilage displacement
  • Dedicatory factors
  • Developed during the growth of the nose. 


Turbinates are structures that sit on the septum. Usually, the septum is about 3.5 to 4 inches long and runs from the tip of the nose to the back of the throat. The septum deviation can be in the bone ca, cartilage, or both. 


Deviated septum treatment

The deviated septum has two treatment options: nonsurgical and septoplasty. The non-surgical options focus on managing the symptoms of a deviated septum but are not permanent solutions. These include:

  • Decongestants are meant to reduce the swelling in nasal tissues, helping the nasal airways on both sides open. There are two types of decongestants: pills and nasal sprays. Over-the-counter nasal sprays should be used with caution if they contain oxymetazoline or pseudoephedrine, which are not safe for daily use and may create dependency. 
  • Antihistamines help control and prevent allergy symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy feeling, and crusting. However, they can also cause drowsiness and affect one’s ability to do tasks like driving and assembling. 
  • Nasal steroid sprays help reduce swelling in the nasal passage and improve drainage. They take about one to three weeks to reach their maximum effect, so you must be patient with the treatment and follow the doctor’s directions. 


Surgical repair of a Deviated septum

The surgical repair of a deviated septum is called septoplasty. It is an individualized or tapered invasive surgery that can straighten the septum. Septoplasty can also be combined with turbinate reduction or rhinoplasty (septorhinoplasty), influencing the cost of deviated septum surgery in India


The Procedure

Septoplasty aims to straighten and reposition the septum to the center of the nose. The process might require the septoplasty surgeon to cut and remove the parts of the septum or bend the cartilage and bone in the septum and then place them in the proper position. 

The degree of improvement depends on the severity of the deviation. Most of the symptoms will completely disappear, but if you have a sinus issue or other nasal conditions that impact the tissue lining in the nose, the treatment will need more than surgery. 

In many cases of a deviated septum, shifting the septum to one side might increase the size of the turbinates on that side. The surgeon might recommend a rhinoplasty along with septoplasty to address both issues at the same time. During the treatment, the surgeon can either attempt to reduce the size of the turbinates using radiofrequency reduction or remove a portion of the enlarged turbinate.  


Septoplasty aims to ensure a normal nasal airway, reduce breathing discomfort, and ensure minimal complications to reduce the risk of revision. Here are some essential points about deviated septum surgery:

  • It is an outpatient procedure and lasts for about 60 minutes,
  • Septoplasty is done under general anesthesia.
  • The incisions are made from the inside of the nose.
  • Post-surgery, bruising, and swelling are minimal.
  • A splint or splint will be placed in the nose for about a week, which the surgeon will remove after about a week. 


In The Case Of Septorhinoplasty 

  • The surgery might require 2-3 hours
  • The incision might be made between the nostrils for better access, but it fades away with time. 
  • Splints will be placed for about a week. 


Results And Recovery Of Septoplasty

  • It is expected to feel tired for a few hours after the surgery. 
  • The surgeon will place some packing around the nose to stop the bleeding, which will be removed before you leave the hospital. 
  • Expect some congestion in the nose for about two weeks post-surgery
  • As the nose heals, avoid blowing the nose for a few days.
  • Stay away from smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Sleep with your head elevated.
  • Avoid strenuous activities and exercises.
  • Avoid crowded places where you might have enough cigarette smoke or people with colds and coughs, which increases the chances of getting sick. 


Septoplasty cost in India

Deviated septum surgery cost in India varies due to many factors, such as 

  • Severity of deviation
  • Skill and experience of the surgeon
  • Hospital or clinic facilities and amenities 
  • Additional procedures or treatments, such as functional or cosmetic rhinoplasty 
  • Location of the hospital or the clinic 
  • Insurance coverage or financial assistance
  • Surgeon’s experience and expertise. A more experienced surgeon may charge higher fees for their services.

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Teen Rhinoplasty

Teen Rhinoplasty – Everything You Need to Know About.

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Teenage is a sensitive time in the lives of boys and girls. On the verge of adulthood, they are eager to experience life and take whatever it throws at them. They want to look their best and feel their best. They do not want to be bogged down and feel conscious about their facial features. The most common concern among teenagers is how their noses look. Most of them wish that the nose was longer, shorter, a bit upturned, or a bit straighter. Minor issues can be covered with makeup, but an unfortunate-looking nose, such as noticeable bulbousness, dorsal humps, beaked appearances, or plunging tips, can traumatize their teen minds. 


Even the tiniest correction with teenage rhinoplasty surgery in India can make a difference in a girl’s or boy’s life. It is the line between growing up self-conscious and insecure or being self-confident and social. The aesthetic concerns about the nose often become more pronounced when the photos are taken or when appearing for the side profile videos or pictures. Low confidence in one’s appearance can make a teen withdrawn or even repulsive to social commitments. Moreover, teens are often peer bullied and teased about the shapes of their noses, which can leave a long-standing scar on their psyche. 

Teenage rhinoplasty is not just about the nose’s appearance; it can also help correct functional issues, improve breathing, and improve aesthetics. 


What Issues Can Teenage Rhinoplasty Resolve?

Teenage rhinoplasty surgery in India is a standard procedure for patients who are still in their adolescence but want to have nose corrections for different reasons. While often cosmetic treatments are associated with anti-aging procedures, rhinoplasty surgery in India is a popular procedure that is popular among young patients and even teenagers. This in-demand procedure can be a life-changing step, so it is essential to do it appropriately. Highly experienced rhinoplasty surgeons understand the unique aspects of teenage rhinoplasty and help young patients achieve their aesthetic goals successfully. Rhinoplasty for teenagers in India can help solve many issues, such as 

  • Changes in the inner structures of the nose can increase the size and shape of the nose. This rhinoplasty manipulates soft tissues and nasal bones for a more proportional appearance. 
  • Width of the nose
  • Humps or bumps of the nose 
  • Downward or hooked tip of the nose
  • Upwardly tilting nose
  • Crooked or asymmetrical nose
  • Nostril size and shape
  • Breathing problems are caused by a deviated septum, an injury to the nose, or other inner nose structures that hamper air flow and cause respiratory problems. 
  • Nose angle deformity caused by nasal curvature


When To Consider Teenage Rhinoplasty?

Suppose a functional issue is causing the teen to be unable to breathe correctly, have sleep disorders or breathing difficulties, nasal congestion, or sinus drainage issues. That affects his health, so the teenage rhinoplasty should be done soon. 

The recommended ages for teenage rhinoplasty in India are after the age of 15. It is the time when the growth plates of the nose have reached about 95% of their total growth. A teen under the age of 18 needs to have parental consent to undergo teenage rhinoplasty surgery in India. Both physical and psychological factors must be considered when deciding on a nose job. These include:

  • The motivations for nose surgery
  • The emotional maturity of the teen
  • Patient’s and the parent’s expectations 
  • Parent involvement
  • Physical development 
  • Understanding of downtime, precautions, and Recovery

Teenage rhinoplasty surgery in India cannot be performed on teens whose noses have not stopped growing or those who are not psychologically ready for the surgery, Recovery, and changes it will bring about. If teenage rhinoplasty surgery in India is done for cosmetic reasons, the nose surgeon might combine other procedures, such as chin implants, for a balanced facial profile. Most teens opt for a teenage nose job in India during vacation season in the summers, winters, or spring as it gives them the time to undergo Recovery without disturbing studies or school. 


Differences between adult and teenage rhinoplasty 

If the nose surgery is done before the growth is complete, it can cause changes in the results as the development continues and necessitate revision surgery a few years later. The cartilage continues to develop as you age, and surgery before it reaches its complete stage can cause malformation and negatively affect the nose’s shape, size, and functions. Thus, teenage rhinoplasty has a much lesser margin of error than adult rhinoplasty. 


Teenage Rhinoplasty Procedures

After consultation and evaluation with an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon, the surgeon will brief the teen about the procedures used. During the consultation, the surgeon will assess the teen’s goals and expectations and evaluate the patient’s history, nasal anatomy, growth patterns, and overall facial harmony to determine the most appropriate nose surgery treatment plan. The standard procedures for teenage rhinoplasty surgery in Mumbai that the nose surgeon can use include 

  • Closed rhinoplasty: This is preferred for teenage patients because the incisions are made from the inside of the nostrils so that there is no visible scarring on the outside. This Closed Rhinoplasty of the nose job gives the surgeon the freedom to reshape the nasal structures with minimal disruptions to the surrounding tissues and skin, thus reducing the risk of postoperative complications and enhancing the results. 


  • Dorsam hump reduction: A dorsal hump, which is a bump or protrusion on the nasal bridge, is a common concern for teenagers seeking rhinoplasty. The rhinoplasty surgeon can perform a dorsal hump reduction by carefully shaving down or removing excess bone and cartilage to create a smoother profile.
  • Tip refinement and augmentation: An essential procedure for teenage rhinoplasty in Mumbai involves refining and reshaping the nasal tip. The surgeon uses techniques such as tip suturing, implant placement, grafting, and cartilage reshaping to get a more defined and aesthetically pleasing nasal tip. 
  • Septoplasty: In cases where a deviated septum is causing breathing difficulties or nasal obstruction in teenagers, septoplasty may be performed concurrently with rhinoplasty to straighten the septum and improve nasal airflow.
  • Functional rhinoplasty could include correcting breathing difficulties, reducing nasal congestion, or improving sinus drainage to enhance overall nasal function.


Recovery Post Teenage Rhinoplasty 

After the rhinoplasty 

  • The teenager might have to stay in the hospital for one night. The doctor will discharge her the next day if everything is fine. 
  • The surgeon will give a regular schedule for the following check-ups, which should be adhered to for a healthy and complete recovery post-rhinoplasty. 
  • The recovery time is usually a few weeks. 
  • It is essential to keep the operated area clean and dry.
  • Sleep with the head elevated for a few days.
  • Once the swelling reduces, the patient can slowly resume normal activities but avoid any activities that could risk injury to the nose. 
  • In three months, the swelling will be gone entirely, and the teen will be able to see the results of the nose job. However, it is still important to care for the nose and not injure or bump it. 
  • It takes about a year for the nose to heal completely and the final results to be noticeable. 


Remember that every nose is different, and the recovery period varies from patient to patient. Skin thickness, gender, and ethnicity are important in teenagers’ rhinoplasty recovery. As long as the teenager follows all the postoperative directions and takes good care of their noses, the Recovery will be smooth, and the results will last for a lifetime. 

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Petite Nose

Optimal Rhinoplasty Expertise in India: Addressing Concerns of a Petite Nose

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The perfect nose size is attractive if it fits the other facial features. The functions of the nose remain the same, but their sizes are different. The shape and size of the noses vary based on ethnicity, gender, age, and many other factors. Usually, the length of men’s noses is about 2.2 inches, and for women, it is 2 inches. The difference is usually because of muscle mass, evolution, and the environment.  


The nose’s exterior starts with the nose’s root, located between the brows, and then comes the bridge, which links the root to the apex and the entirety of the nasal anatomy. The distance between the tip or apex and the bridge determines the nose size, known as the dorsum nasi. The second determinant is the nasal septum, which separates the nostrils on either side of the tip. The third is the philtrum, which runs from the nasal tip to the upper lip. These three factors are the three-dimensional considerations that determine the size of the nose. Variations in these dimensions can result in a smaller nose than usual.

Small noses are considered very attractive, and the general perception is that they look better on women. Small noses are associated with feminism and delicateness, which fits the age-old idea of how women should look. However, a small nose that is too small can imbalance the overall appearance and facial proportions. The good news is that surgical or nonsurgical rhinoplasties can quickly correct the small nose.


What Causes Small Noses?

  • Genetics: Research has shown that the shape and size of the nose can be attributed to genetic factors. If your parents have smaller noses, you might have a small nose, leading to an imbalanced facial profile. The nose is a crucial distinguishing part of the face.
  • Ethnic influences: Different ethnicities have distinct nasal characteristics passed down through generations. Some groups have naturally smaller noses, such as Southeast Asians and East Asians, who have smaller and flatter noses.
  • Aging: As we age, various factors show their effects. Changes in skin elasticity and loss of cartilage firmness can reduce nose sizes in many cases.
  • Trauma: Accidents or injuries to the nose can affect its size and shape, causing it to become smaller or mishappen. Trauma-related rhinoplasty is a specialized surgery that improves the nose’s form and function.
  • Loss of maxillary support: The base of the nose gets its structural support from the maxilla, the bone that forms the upper jaw and part of the face. The maxilla is an important part of the nasal structure and supports the nasal skeleton. Loss of maxillary backing can cause the nose to appear smaller.
  • Overdeveloped tip cartilages make the rest of the nose appear smaller. Adjustments in the tip size help achieve the perfect nose shape.
  • Environmental factors: Prenatal development, lack of nutrition, and pregnancy issues can influence nasal growth at birth. Even hormonal changes in fetal development affect nose size.
  • Some congenital conditions can cause the appearance of a smaller nose. For example, binder syndrome is characterized by an underdeveloped nose.
  • Previous rhinoplasty gone bad: When a previous rhinoplasty procedure to improve the form and function of the nose does not give the desired results, the outcome might be a small nose that requires correction.



The ideal nose shape for each face is different. The perfect nose shape is determined based on other facial features, the nose shape, the patient’s age, and ethnicity. A rhinoplasty surgeon will help you address the concerns with the small nose and work out the best course of action. Your overall health status, the clarity of expectations, and the aesthetic and functional outcomes you wish for the perfect nose shape. Your unique goals and needs will help tailor the best rhinoplasty option to ensure the best possible results.


Nonsurgical Small Nose Rhinoplasty


Dermal fillers: This method involves using dermal fillers to alter the size of the nose. The fillers add volume and enhance the symmetry and shape of the nose. They are an alternative for people who want a new look but do not want to opt for surgery. Fillers last for about six to eight months.


Thread rhinoplasty: This nonsurgical procedure is done under local anesthesia. Dissolvable threads made of polydioxanone (PDO) or polylactic acid (PLA) lift and contour the tip and nasal bridge. The threads are inserted under the skin of the nose using a fine needle or cannula. The barbs on the threads anchor themselves to the tissue to provide support and lift to the nasal structure. After placing the threads, the rhinoplasty surgeon can adjust their position to achieve the desired lengthening and contouring of the nose, depending on the perfect nose shape for the person. The threads dissolve over some time.


Surgical Small Nose Rhinoplasty

The surgical rhinoplasty, or nose job, for the ideal nose, is a cosmetic procedure to elongate the nose. This procedure involves using various techniques tailored according to the patient’s needs and expectations.


The “tongue-in-groove” technique is a popular surgical method used in rhinoplasty to elongate the nose. It aims to work with the relationship between the nasal tip cartilages and the septum to achieve a longer nasal projection and tip rotation. After discussing the perfect nose shape with the patient, the surgeon evaluates the patient’s nasal anatomy, assesses the nasal structures, and plans the surgical approach.


The surgery is done under general anesthesia. Incisions are made inside the rhinoplasty or across the columella to access the nasal structures. The rhinoplasty surgeon then repositions the lower lateral cartilages emphatically (towards the head) or caudally (towards the feet) to achieve the desired elongation and rotation of the nasal tip. Once the cartilages are repositioned, the surgeon may use sutures or other techniques to stabilize them in their new position and maintain the elongated nasal tip projection. The incisions are closed, and the patients can go home for healing.


Another popular method of nose elongation is the use of augmentation for nose rhinoplasty. This nose job increases the length and projection of the nasal bridge or tip using synthetic implants or grafts. The implants can be taken from the patient’s rib or ear cartilage and then reshaped to fit the nose structure for the perfect nose shape. The surgeon will use synthetic implants when the autologous implants cannot be used. Synthetic implants made of silicone, Gore-Tex, or Medpor may augment the nasal bridge or tip. The surgeon carefully shapes and inserts the implant to achieve the desired elongation and contouring of the nose. Once implants are in place, the surgeon will temporarily close the sutures and use nasal splints or packing to support the nose during the healing phase.


Recovery Post-Surgical Rhinoplasty

It is expected to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, but they will subside in a few weeks. Follow the instructions the caregiver gives to facilitate proper healing and achieve optimal results.


Rhinoplasty for a small nose is a sophisticated method that requires skill and expertise to execute effectively. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications associated. Choosing a qualified and experienced rhinoplasty surgeon specializing in this approach is essential. Thorough pre-operative consultation and communication with the surgeon are crucial for understanding the patient’s goals and establishing realistic expectations concerning the ideal nose.

The results of the nose elongation surgery take several months to fully manifest as the swelling resolves and nasal skin and tissues settle into their new shape. The slightest change in the nose can dramatically impact a person’s image and self-esteem.

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Nasal Polyps surgeon in mumbai

Surgical Solutions for Nasal Polyps: Choosing the Finest Nose Surgeon in Mumbai

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At some point in our lives, we all experience the misery of a stuffy, runny nose and even pesky sinuses. It interferes with regular daily routine, makes it difficult to breathe and smell, and makes the head feel like a heavy weight is on it. This gets worse during the cold and allergy seasons. Now imagine people suffering from inflamed nasal polyps and chronic rhinosinusitis; this is their life. 


What Are Nasal Polyps or Nasal Polyposis?

They are small, soft, painless, non-cancerous growths in the nose. They are yellow-brown in color and teardrop-shaped and grow at the lining of the nose or sinuses. They usually appear on both sides of the nose, making breathing difficult when irritated. Polyps are formed in groups. When they grow larger, they are either pink, yellow, or grey and colorize like a peeled grape. Inflammation of the nasal polyps is joint in people with asthma and allergies or those who get repeat nasal infections or rashes. 

Polyps are common (affecting about 40% of people), and about 25-30% of sinus patients develop nasal polyps. The risk of getting polyps increases with age, and many people get them in their 30s and 40s. They do not have to always originate in the nose; they can grow anywhere on the mucosa of the sinus. The typical locations of polyps are the base of the brain, cheekbones, and the junction where the sinus drains into the nose near the eyes. 


Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps can happen to anyone. Small-sized polyps are not an issue, but when they are inflamed or grow larger, they can lead to many issues, such as congestion in the nose, breathing problems, loss of smell, and infections. Symptoms of polyps are 

  • Stuffy nose or nasal congestion 
  • Difficulty in breathing through the nose
  • Rhinorrhoea (runny nose)
  • Reduced sense of smell and taste
  • Mucus running down the throat, i.e., the Postnasal drip
  • Headaches 
  • Sinus pressure
  • Cough
  • Facial pain or pain in the upper teeth 
  • Itching around the eyes
  • Snoring 
  • Nose bleeds
  • Pressure around the sinuses 


When left untreated, the nasal polyps can cause severe blockages in the nasal passage and sinuses and also cause 


  • Recurrent asthma attacks in asthmatic people
  • Frequent and repeated sinus infections
  • Sleep disorders such as sleep apnoea
  • Difficulty in breathing, even in people who are not asthmatic


What Causes Nasal Polyps?

Nasal polyps’ causes are not fully known yet. Their development is linked with chronic rhinosinusitis, where nasal passage and sinus inflammation last about 12 weeks or more. Nobody knows the cause of polyps or why it affects some people but not others. 

Joint research indicates that nasal polyps are caused by abnormalities in the immune system response and chemical markers in the lining of the nose and sinuses. The chemical markers are the signs that tell your body how to react to stimuli. 

Nasal polyps are more likely to affect men than women. Children younger than ten rarely get nasal polyps. They are linked to many conditions such as asthma, sinus infections, allergy to aspirin, chronic and severe infections, something stuck in the nose, cystic fibrosis, etc., but the real cause is still unknown. 

It is also believed that genetics also impacts the role of nasal polyps development. 

Risk factors

There are some risk factors or conditions that can increase the risk of nasal polyps, including 

  • Asthma
  • Hay fever
  • Sinus infections 
  • Cystic fibrosis 
  • Hypersensitivity to certain drugs

If not treated correctly and in time by a good nose specialist doctor in Mumbai, nasal polyps can lead to severe complications, such as bone infections, bone loss, abscesses that can spread to the brain and eye sockets, and even meningitis. 

If symptoms last more than ten days, then it is time to contact the best nose specialist doctor in Mumbai. You should also see the nose surgeon if 

  • The symptoms are getting worse.
  • You notice vision changes or are seeing double.
  • There is swelling in the forehead or around the eyes.
  • You have a terrible headache that keeps getting worse.
  • You have a stiff neck for no reason. 


Diagnosis Of Nasal Polyps

A nose specialist should diagnose nasal polyps. The first step in making the correct diagnosis is a physical examination, for which the doctor will use a nasal endoscope. The surgeon will also ask about your medical history, e.g., if you have any sinus infections, are asthmatic, or have allergies. 

If more investigation is needed, the doctor might request a CT scan, MRI, or a biopsy of the growth to confirm the size and location of the polyps. The nose specialist in Mumbai will also recommend allergy testing to identify the allergens that might be causing nasal polyps and inflammation. 


Treatment for Nasal Polyps

Once the surgeon has confirmed the presence of nasal polyps, they will start with the treatment to help relieve congestion and pain discomfort. The standard treatment options for nasal polyps include:

  • Medications: This is the first line of treatment for polyps used by nose specialists in Mumbai. Medications do not eliminate polyps, but they can minimize the symptoms. The common medications include:
    • Corticosteroid nasal sprays that shrink the polyps.
    • Oral steroids 
    • Antihistamines and decongestants to reduce the allergy symptoms 
    • Biologic medications that stimulate the immune system to shrink the nasal polyps. 
    • Antibiotics to reduce infections
  • Surgery: When the medications do not give the necessary results, the nose specialist in Mumbai will recommend surgery to remove the polyps. Nasal polyp surgery is an outpatient procedure. The surgical method used is the nasal endoscopy for any of the following minimally invasive procedures:
    • Polypectomy, in which the surgeon removes the polyps inside the nose using surgical instruments.
    • Balloon sinuplasty is the procedure in which a small balloon is threaded through the nostril to the sinus cavity. The balloon is inflated to unblock the nasal passages. Nasal polyps can also be removed at the same time. 
    • FESS, which stands for functional endoscopic sinus surgery, is another surgical procedure that removes polyps, diseased tissues, damaged bones, and other obstructions to the nasal passages.  

The surgery for nasal polyps is done through the nostrils, with no incisions or sutures visible on the outside. 


Recovery and prevention of nasal polyps

Like any other nose surgery, the recovery period post nasal polyps treatment is critical. If nasal polyps are not treated correctly or post-surgical care is not followed well, the polyps are likely to return. Here are some tips to prevent such occurrences:

  • Continue using the corticosteroid sprays to reduce the inflammation after the surgery.
  • Adopt a humidifier, especially during winter and dry weather. A humidifier keeps the nasal passages moist, which helps with smooth mucus flow and reduces blockage and swelling in nasal polyps. 
  • Use a nasal spray or rinse to moisten the nasal passages for proper healing. 
  • Avoid irritating the nasal passages with passages with dust, smoke, dirt, and pollutants that can inflame them them. 
  • Keep allergies and asthma under check to keep the nasal passages clean and reduce swelling and tenderness. 
  • Practice good nasal hygiene. 
  • Wash your hands often, and do not touch your nose with dirty hands.


Nose Surgery Price in India

The cost of nose surgery for nasal polyps in India can vary depending on several factors, such as the location of the clinic or hospital, the surgeon’s experience and expertise, the complexity of the procedure, and the specific facilities provided. It is essential to consider additional costs such as pre-operative consultations, diagnostic tests, medications, post-operative care, and any potential complications that may require further treatment for nose surgery in India. The cost of nasal polyp surgery may vary depending on the location within India. Nasal polyps surgery performed in major cities or urban areas in India tends to be more expensive than in smaller towns or rural areas.


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Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction Surgery

Harmony in Breathing: Exploring the Intersection of Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction Surgery

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You are not alone if you have trouble breathing through your nose or feel congested. About 80% of the world’s population has the same problem, and the reason for that is the deviated septum and enlarged turbinates caused by it. The septum and turbinates are the two most essential components of the nose that ensure regular and comfortable airflow.


Septoplasty in India is often combined with turbinate reduction surgery to make breathing easier and relieve various issues, such as chronic congestion, sleep apnea, recurrent and chronic sinus infections, nosebleeds, and facial pain. Let us first examine the functions of the septum and turbinates.


What is the septum?

The septum is a thin wall-like structure made of cartilage in the front and bone at the back, and it is covered with mucosa (like the inner lining of your cheek). The septum wall separates the left and right nostrils of the nose. The septum plays a vital role of 

  • maintaining the shape of the nose 
  • ensuring a regular airway. 
  • Protect the nasal structures from trauma
  • Olfaction, which allows us to perceive and distinguish the various smells

The septum can be bent or deviated because of many reasons, such as trauma, accident, or hereditary reasons, and lead to breathing issues coupled with facial pain, congestion, post nasal drip, snoring, etc.


What are turbinates?

The turbinates are very tiny cone-shaped bones inside the nose. They are also called nasal conchae. They are curled structures that are bony as well as spongy. They are covered with hair-like structures called cilia that trap the external particles. There are three types of turbinates – inferior, middle, and superior. They play a super important role in regulating airflow for the lungs to work efficiently and also

  • Warm and moisten the air we breathe to ensure it is at body temperature as it reaches the lungs.
  • Keep out the debris and bacteria from the nose and enter the lungs and body.
  • Prevent nasal dryness, infection, and irritation.
  • Help us smell.


The turbinates can change in size to control airflow. When we are resting, the turbinates often swell to reduce airflow, and when we are involved in strenuous activities, they constrict to increase the airflow volume in the lungs. The inferior turbinates become inflamed and enlarged because of allergies or other conditions, resulting in blocked airways in the nasal passage and difficulty breathing. 


The symptoms of enlarged turbinates are similar to those of a deviated septum, such as chronic sinusitis, nasal congestions, difficulty in breathing, frequent headaches, sleep apnoea, mucus production, and more. 

The relation between deviated septum and turbinates is significant. 

  • A deviated septum reduces the size of one side of the nostril, causing an imbalance in the airflow in the nasal passages. The turbinates on the other end of the uneven airflow swell and become inflamed to compensate for and balance it. If the septum is deviated to the left, then the turbinates on the right will become inflamed. This causes turbinate hypertrophy, where the turbinates are swollen and congested. 
  • A deviated septum also causes nasal obstruction and airflow resistance, further contributing to the turbinates’ swelling and congestion. 


The combination of deviated septum and inflamed turbinates also increases the risk of chronic sinusitis. The swollen turbinates obstruct mucus drainage, causing repeated sinus infections and disruptions in daily life. This also exacerbates snoring, sleep apnoea, and sleep disturbances, leading to daytime fatigue and cognitive impairment. 

Septoplasty with turbinate reduction surgery (rhinoplasty)

Depending on the severity of symptoms and individual patient factors, the surgeon will recommend a rhinoplasty and deviated septum surgery in India. 


Septoplasty Procedure

Septoplasty, or deviated septum surgery in India, corrects the crooked septum. 

  • It is a surgical procedure done under general anesthesia.
  • An incision is made inside the nose, and the surgeon will lift the membrane covering the septum.
  • The septum (excess cartilage removal or bone trimming) is modified for necessary straightening. 
  • Once satisfied with the reshaping. The surgeon will reposition the membrane to cover the septum and close the incisions using dissolvable stitches.
  • The process takes 30 to 90 minutes, and no visible scarring exists. 


Turbinate Reduction Surgery 

The rhinoplasty can be quickly done along with septoplasty surgery to reduce nasal obstruction. There are two types of Rhinoplasty.

  • Intraturbinoplasty is when the surgeon creates a tunnel inside the turbinate and removes the submucosal tissue. 
  • Extraturbinoplasty is the surgery to reposition the turbinate and clear the airway obstructions. 


Turbinoplasty Techniques Used


Microdebrider rhinoplasty or turbinate resection: The surgeon creates a small incision inside the turbinate. Then, using a small endoscopic camera and a high-speed device called the Microdebrider, the surgeon will remove a partial portion or all of the tissues inside the turbinates and suction them out. The outer layer remains intact. As the nose heals, the turbinates shrink naturally. This is an exact and effective procedure that is followed by septoplasty. It is a long-term turbinate reduction solution with the least side effects. 


Turbinoplasty out fracture technique: This type of turbinate reduction is a surgical procedure done to reduce the size of nasal turbinates by repositioning them outwards. The incision is made inside the nose. The mucosal lining is lifted, and the bone is carefully fractured using a nasal bone spreader or bone scissors; the surgeon will then reposition the turbinate outwards, i.e., away from the nasal septum. The repositioned turbinate is secured using a dissolvable suture to prevent it from moving back to the septum. This process increases the space in the nasal airway and reduces obstruction. 


Radiofrequency ablation: Radiofrequency turbinate reduction is done with the aid of an endoscope. The endoscope delivers radiofrequency energy to the inflamed turbinates. The heat from the energy creates lesions inside the turbinate tissues, leading to scar tissue formation. As the tissue heals, the turbinates reduce in size. This is a minimally invasive procedure. However, the turbinates can grow back over time. 


Coblation: The CTR, or Coblation Turbinate Reduction, is like the radiofrequency reduction but has lower temperatures to avoid damaging the nearby tissues. The procedure removes or dissolves the turbinate tissue in a controlled manner. There is no damage to the surrounding tissues. 


Cauterization: This turbinate reduction uses a heated probe to close off some of the turbinates’ blood vessels. This reduces the blood flow to the turbinates, which shrink naturally. 


Partial resection: This procedure involves removing a small piece of the turbinate and hard and soft tissues. 

Turbinate reduction surgery is quick and takes about 10 to 30 minutes to complete. 

In India, Septoplasty and turbinate reduction have long-term results in reducing congestion, alleviating and eliminating snoring, and improving and stabilizing the nose’s structure and shape. 


Recovery And Healing Post Rhinoplasty And Deviated Septum Treatment

Since both procedures are done together, it dramatically reduces the healing time, and septoplasty cost in India with turbinate reduction is less than paying for two procedures individually. Tips for quick and whole healing

  • Do not disturb or try to move or remove the soft packing and splints placed post-surgery. These are necessary to hold the nasal tissue in place, reduce the scarring, and ensure good nasal shape. 
  • Stay away from driving for a few days after the operation.
  • Avoid exercising, heavy lifting, and other activities that increase the blood pressure and heart rate. Increased breathing can put a strain on the sutures and cause extra bleeding, pain, and swelling. 
  • Take the medications as prescribed. 
  • For the first few months of healing, use the nasal saline douche (salt water) as directed by the surgeon. 


Septoplasty Surgery Cost In India


The combined cost of septoplasty and turbinate reduction surgery (often performed together as a single procedure) in India can vary depending on several factors, including the location, the reputation and experience of the surgeon, the type of hospital or clinic, the specific techniques used, and any additional services or facilities provided.


These estimates often include surgeon’s fees, hospital charges, anesthesia fees, preoperative consultations, postoperative care, medications, and any additional tests or services required. The actual cost will vary depending on your condition, such as the severity of the obstruction, the type and complexity of the procedure, the healing treatments needed, the health of your skin, and other factors. Discuss with your insurance provider about insurance coverage of the cost of septoplasty surgery in India.

Remember that it is essential to prioritize safety, expertise, and patient satisfaction when selecting the clinic and surgeon for the best, longest-lasting, and safest results. 


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About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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