Relationship of Nose to Chin
The human body in itself is very complex in nature and every action we perform is a result of multiple organs, muscles, etc. working together in tandem to produce the desired result. For example, when you smile your lips will move, the chins will move and even the corners of the eyes turn up. The relationship between bodily actions is tough but it exists. You cannot just smile and not expect your eyes not to participate in the action. Similarly, the movement of the nose is related to the chin too.
The relationship of the nose to the chin is very important from the Rhinoplasty functional point of view. The facial balance is what makes us unique. This balance is determined by the shape and size of the eyes, forehead, ears, hairline, chin, and nose. The relationship between chin and nose is considered to be the most important in determining facial balance. Our face is a three-dimensional structure which means you not only have to consider the frontal view, but the side view is important too. Therefore when you look at yourself in the mirror, you can easily make out how altering one facial feature can change your whole appearance. It is a well-established fact that the nose and chin are the two most important facial features.
The nose if small can cause the chin to appear long and wide and if the nose is long and bumpy even a normal chin can appear to be very weak. For those who are seeking to improve or change their facial features, it is important to keep the relationship between nose and chin in mind. Rhinoplasty is a very popular cosmetic surgery in which the nose is repaired to give you the desired look and help you get rid of any complications if there are. Chin implants in India and orthognathic surgery on the other hand specifically work towards changing the shape of the chin to suit the face better.
The relationship between the ideal nose to chin is also important because it is the front and centre of the face and even a slight change in either of them can give you the look that you desire. Many patients are recommended to have rhinoplasty and chin implants/augmentation surgeries together. For example, if the nose is too wide, then the chin will appear small and if by surgery the surgeon makes the nose slim then the chin might appear to be broad suddenly. Therefore, a combination of two surgeries improves the relationship between the nose and the chin & improves facial balance and facial aesthetics.
The combination surgery of chin (Genioplasty) and nose (Rhinoplasty) offers a better solution from an aesthetic point of view. Combining both surgeries makes a lot of sense because for the patients it means cost reduction, lesser recovery times, and a complete result. For surgeons who understand the nose-to-chin relationship, combined surgeries mean more satisfaction. Augmenting the chin by cutting the bone is less invasive but the recovery times are longer. Therefore only the best rhinoplasty surgeon in India can recommend to you the best operation to improve your facial features by exploiting the relationship between the nose and chin.
After the surgeries, the recovery time is suitably reduced and the bruising and swelling go down in a few days and you will be able to notice the change in your facial features immediately. The nose-to-chin relationship is one of the most important things to consider when altering looks. A face-to-face consultation is very important with your surgeon as only he or she will be able to determine the right amount of alteration needed in your nose and chin to improve the way you look.