How frequently can you undergo a revision rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is considered to be the most complex and challenging among facial and cosmetic surgeries. The nose is a complex structure of tissues, cartilage, and bones that intersect in different convex and concave degrees. You need the best rhinoplasty surgeon for a nose job because the nose has to be reshaped to make it look better and function well. A surgeon who is not aware of the intricacies of the function of the nose is more like to botch up the nose job than one who does. Therefore, when going for any plastic or cosmetic surgery you should always choose a surgeon who has a history of satisfied clients.
Undesirable alterations in the structure of the nose can cause a difference in how the nose functions and impact how a person breathes. Most expert rhinoplasty surgeons often have a revision rate which can be because of many reasons. Rhinoplasty is surgery; sometimes, there can be complications or unanticipated problems during the surgery that necessitate the need for revision rhinoplasty. These revision rates are generally higher for inexperienced surgeons or those using outdated techniques or needing to understand the patient’s state.
A good nose job has a positive impact on the patient’s life. However, besides being highly technical, a nose job is also a sensitive issue. Revision rhinoplasty is generally done when the patient is not satisfied with the previous rhinoplasty results, but it is a very technically challenging procedure. There is no limit to the number of times one can go in for a revision or a secondary or tertiary rhinoplasty but keep in mind that each comes with its risks and problems. The best revision rhinoplasty surgeon in India will assess you to make sure you qualify for revision rhinoplasty.
How many people get revision rhinoplasty?
On average, the rate of revision rhinoplasties worldwide is around five to ten percent maximum. This is good news, and it means that more and more people are pleased with their first rhinoplasty results. But if you have had a nose job, are not happy with its results, or need additional corrections, here is some more basic information about revision rhinoplasty.
What is revision rhinoplasty?
Revision rhinoplasty uses the same basic techniques as the first rhinoplasty. Only the reasons can be different. The results of a primary rhinoplasty are often unpredictable because the tissue might not heal correctly, and changes in bone or cartilage because of the first surgery. Revision rhinoplasty is used to enhance the nose’s appearance and correct the weakened nasal functions. This is even more difficult plastic surgery than the primary or first rhinoplasty and needs advanced surgical techniques in the hands of the best revision rhinoplasty surgeon in India.
Revision rhinoplasty using dermal fillers
This is a non-surgical option for revision rhinoplasty. Dermal fillers are used to fill in the concave curves and add volume to the nose. These are purely cosmetic treatments and do not have any functional issues. Dermal fillers need to be repeated two years.
Reasons for opting for revision rhinoplasty
You can opt for revision rhinoplasty, and it can address many issues with your nose, such as
- Asymmetrical results from the first rhinoplasty: Sometimes, the best rhinoplasty results can be underwhelming because the nose still appears uneven or does not blend smoothly with other facial features. This usually happens because the surgeon’s inexperience when performing rhinoplasty leads to a crooked nose or disproportionate nose appearance. Revision rhinoplasty can help correct this and achieve a more natural and balanced look that is harmonious with overall facial features.
- ‘Made up’ looking results: The aim of modern plastic and cosmetic surgery is to ensure that the results look unnatural but blend perfectly. A nose that looks like a nose job is done on it can cause dissatisfaction to many people. A strange look to the nose can be because of too much correction in the first rhinoplasty or scar tissue formation. To correct this a revision rhinoplasty is needed.
- Not happy with the results: The main culprit is the need for more communication between the doctor and the patient. Patients are often disappointed with the results because they must be briefed about the consequences beforehand. Sometimes the procedures go differently than expected. For the patients, it is essential to understand that every nose is unique, and getting a celebrity nose does not mean it will suit you. The surgeons need to understand the need to communicate the expected results correctly.
- Functional issues with the nose: A good nose surgery is one that gives you an aesthetically pleasing nose that works perfectly. Inadequate healing and manipulation of practical aspects can lead to issues with essential nasal functions. Revision rhinoplasty can correct function issues while preserving aesthetic elements.
- Trauma or injury post-first rhinoplasty: The nose is a delicate structure, and nose reshaping surgery increases its vulnerability. If you have had any trauma or accident that had an impact on the nose, then it can cause the cartilage and soft tissue to be damaged. They are especially delicate first 1-2 years after the surgery. In such events, a revision rhinoplasty can help reinforce the structure of the nose and resolve both cosmetic and functional issues.
Some other factors that affect the first rhinoplasty results are
- Use of old techniques and equipment
- Complications during the surgery
- Not following complete healing instructions
Things that revision or secondary rhinoplasty can do
The most common things that patients seek from nose job revision are –
- Adding or removing the volume of the nose
- Changing the tip orientation and size
- Correcting breathing issues
- The Disparity in nostril size or shape
- Asymmetric
- Crooked nose
Benefits of revision rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty has many benefits apart from addressing the concerns of the patients, such as
- A skin rejuvenated appearance
- enhanced facial balance
- Corrections in nasal function
- Improved breathing
- Improved confidence in your appearance
How many times can you get revision rhinoplasty, and when?
Revision rhinoplasty is done usually one to two years after the first rhinoplasty because that is the amount of time needed for the nose to heal after the first surgery. The best revision rhinoplasty surgeon will discuss the step-by-step procedure for secondary rhinoplasty, the expected results, and post-treatment care which can be longer than the first one.
Each revision you opt for can have additional complications, and the risk might increase. If you opt for correction too many times, the changes to alter the appearance diminish because the surgeon might need more stable cartilage. Here are some other factors that affect or limit the number of times you can get a revision rhinoplasty done
- Complexity: The more revisions you have, the more complex it becomes, and the options for alteration become limited. The changes to have dramatic revisions will decrease from the first rhinoplasty itself. This also depends on the type of issue you are seeking treatment for. For example, if your first rhinoplasty is about correcting the deviated septum and the secondary is about tip correction, then the overlap is minimal and hence fewer complications. However, if the operation is on the same tissue or area, the results might be less refined.
- Surgeon: It is always better if the secondary rhinoplasty is done by the same surgeon who does the first rhinoplasty. Most people run to a new surgeon for a revision. But your old surgeon is already familiar with your nose, and he knows what work has he done and therefore will have a better idea and clarity on what needs to be corrected. However, if you are uncomfortable with the old one, do thorough research on a new revision rhinoplasty expert surgeon. Don’t be lured by the overpromising ones. A good revision nose job surgeon can confidently talk about aesthetics and facial symmetry and explain the limitations of secondary and tertiary nose jobs. Ask your new surgeon about their experience in issues and similar styles.
- Patient: As the patient, it is very important that you fully understand the limitations of your nose and revision nose jobs. You need to adjust your expectations of what is possible or what is not. The more revisions you seek, the more limitations. It is an elective surgery and therefore it is essential always to keep the expectations realistic.
- Aging nose: Like the rest of us, the nose also ages, and it also affects the results of rhinoplasty. As the nose ages, the texture and elasticity of skin change, the cartilage weakens, and therefore it is not possible to make drastic changes in the nose, especially in the revision procedures. Often in the second and third revisions rhinoplasty grafts or materials needed to be put back in the nose to improve the function and make aesthetic changes.
When revising rhinoplasty, a surgeon’s skin and experience are different. The plastic surgeon might be knowledgeable about reshaping and resizing nose jobs but might need to be experienced in various requests and suitable techniques. Each rhinoplasty needs a customized approach, be it first or revision. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that you are in good overall health and only select the best and most experienced revision rhinoplasty surgeon for revision nose jobs.
How to find a good revision rhinoplasty surgeon?
An excellent and certified plastic surgeon will ensure that the likelihood of a revision is very low, but still, if there is a need:
- Have an open discussion about your worries and expectations
- See if the surgeon can show you approximate results using computer imaging.
- Pay careful attention to the healing process and what you must do.
- Look through the photo galleries of the procedures done by the surgeon.
Do plenty of research before saying yes to one revision surgeon.
Revision Rhinoplasty cost
The cost of revision rhinoplasty might be slightly more than primary rhinoplasty. This will also vary with whether the same surgeon does the revision rhinoplasty. Some medical centers offer a combination package for a primary and a discount on a secondary rhinoplasty (if needed). The other factors that affect the cost of revision rhinoplasty are the surgeon’s fees, the location of the facility, the post-operative care, and insurance coverage.