How to fix a crooked nose?

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How to fix a crooked nose?

How to fix a crooked nose?

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The shape of the nose is an important factor influencing the symmetry of the face. This is because the nose is the most prominent feature of the face and crookedness in its shape can throw the whole facial features out of balance. Traditionally facial symmetry plays a very important role in how the mind and the camera perceive beauty.

All of us are born with some degree of lack of symmetry but a severely and visibly crooked nose can distort the entire aesthetics of the face.

What is a crooked nose?

A crooked nose (bent or curved) is one which has some degree of curvature in its shape rather than being in a straight vertical line down the centre of the face. Crooked noses are classified in terms of their severity and shape. Some are barely noticeable and some look visibly prominent. Usually, crooked nose is a cosmetic concern but it can also cause breathing issues in people. Depending on their shape the shapes of crooked nose shapes are C-shaped, I-shaped, or S-shaped. Here are some common problems associated with a crooked nose

Breathing Difficulties: A crooked nose can cause nasal obstruction and airflow problems. The misalignment of the nasal bones or cartilage can narrow the nasal passages, making it difficult for air to flow freely through the nose. This can lead to chronic nasal congestion, difficulty breathing through the nose, and increased reliance on mouth breathing.

  • Nasal Congestion and Sinus Issues: The asymmetry of a crooked nose can affect the proper drainage of the sinuses, leading to chronic sinus congestion, increased susceptibility to sinus infections, and facial pain or pressure. The blocked sinuses can result in discomfort, reduced sense of smell, and post-nasal drip.
  • Appearance and Self-Esteem: The visual impact of a crooked nose may lead to self-consciousness and decreased self-esteem. Individuals with a crooked nose may feel dissatisfied with their facial appearance and may experience social or psychological difficulties as a result.
  • Facial Imbalance: A crooked nose can contribute to facial asymmetry. The deviation of the nose may affect the overall balance and harmony of the face, leading to an unbalanced or distorted facial appearance.
  • Snoring and Sleep Disruptions: In some cases, a crooked nose can contribute to snoring and sleep-related disorders. The nasal obstruction caused by the misalignment of the nose can lead to breathing difficulties during sleep, resulting in snoring, disrupted sleep patterns, and daytime fatigue.

A crooked nose can be the result of previous nasal trauma or injury. Alongside the aesthetic concerns, individuals may experience long-term issues such as nasal deformity, breathing problems, or septal deviation due to the initial injury. The severity might vary from person to person.

What causes a crooked nose

The treatment of a crooked nose largely depends on the cause of the shape of the nose. there are two types of crooked noses

Type I is caused because of the shape of bone, cartilage and tissues that form the nose. They can be bent or askew because of birth defects, injury or trauma to the nose, severe infections in the nose, previous rhinoplasties or surgery on the nose, and tumours.

Type II the crooked nose is caused because of a deviated septum. The septum divides the passages of the nose and keeps the airflow regulated. Deviated septum causes the wall to lean towards one side an gives a crooked appearance to the nose. Sometimes the deviated septum can also cause one side of the nose to become blocked. The deviated septum can cause nosebleeds, loud and difficult breathing and difficulty in sleeping on one side.

Can exercises and nose straightening devices fix a crooked nose?

If you search only, you will see many videos and advertisements preaching different types of facial exercises to correct nasal symmetry. They look like an easy and zero-cost way to get rid of a crooked nose, but the truth is exercises don’t work. The nose is formed by the complex combination of bones and cartilages and exercises cannot change their shape.

Nasal shapers are another myth for crooked nose correction. They can injure the nose, cause bruises and even permanent damage.

What are the right treatments for crooked nose correction?

There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments available for correcting or straightening a crooked nose. The treatment for a crooked nose depends on the severity of the condition and the specific concerns of the individual and the specific cause of the crooked nausea. A skilled plastic surgeon will assess the nose in order to determine and advise on the best course of treatment. The options include

Rhinoplasty: Rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery or nose job, is a surgical procedure aimed at reshaping and correcting the appearance of the nose. It can address both functional and aesthetic issues associated with a crooked nose. During rhinoplasty, the nasal bones, cartilage, and soft tissues are carefully manipulated to straighten the nose and improve its symmetry. The procedure can involve reducing or augmenting certain areas of the nose to achieve the desired result. Rhinoplasty is a complex surgery and requires high levels of specialization from the plastic surgeon. There are two types of rhinoplasties namely open and closed nose jobs. Though it is a surgical procedure, it does not require long hospital stays but full recovery i.e., the time to see the results is about three months.

Septoplasty: If the crookedness of the nose is primarily due to a deviated septum, septoplasty may be recommended. Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that focuses on straightening the septum, the thin wall of bone and cartilage that separates the nostrils. By correcting the deviation, septoplasty can alleviate nasal obstruction and improve breathing and make the nose straighter.

Non-Surgical Options: In some cases, non-surgical augmenting approaches may be considered to address minor cosmetic concerns associated with a crooked nose. These options can include the use of dermal fillers or injectables to camouflage asymmetries and create a more balanced appearance. Non-surgical treatments are temporary and require ongoing maintenance, but they can provide some improvement without the need for surgery. The commonly used fillers for non-surgical treatment of crooked nose include hyaluronic fillers, and Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA). These last from about six months to fourteen months. Hyaluronic acid fillers are reversible whereas CaHA are not. So, ask your cosmetic surgeon about the suitability of each filler. Non-surgical options work best in noses that are slightly crooked.

Revision Rhinoplasty: In situations where a previous rhinoplasty has led to an unsatisfactory outcome or complications resulting in a crooked nose, revision rhinoplasty may be necessary. Revision rhinoplasty is a secondary surgical procedure performed to correct or improve the results of previous nose surgery and restore the shape and function of the nose as per expectations. This surgery is sometimes also needed because of the memory of the cartilage. Sometimes after note straightening using grafts and manipulating the bones, the cartilage tends to move back to its original position and lose its new straight shape. In such cases, additional corrections might be needed to maintain the results.

It is important to consult with a qualified facial plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon who specializes in nasal surgeries to determine the most appropriate treatment option for a crooked nose. The surgeon will evaluate the individual’s specific concerns, perform a thorough examination, and discuss the goals and potential risks of each treatment option. This will help determine the best course of action to address both the functional and aesthetic aspects of the crooked nose.

Crooked nose surgery cost in India

Crooked noses are very common in men and women and modern science gives us enough options to straighten the nose and restore facial symmetry. They can be because of an old injury or a deviated septum or present by birth. The cost of crooked nose surgery in India can vary depending on several factors, including the location of the clinic, the surgeon’s experience and expertise, the complexity of the procedure, the type of anaesthesia used, and the facilities provided. It is important to note that the cost can also vary based on the specific requirements and desired outcome of the individual.

On average, the cost of crooked nose surgery in India can range from approximately INR 50,000 to INR 2,50,000 or more. However, these figures are approximate and can vary significantly depending on the factors mentioned above. In addition to the surgical fee, the overall cost may also include pre-operative tests, post-operative care, medications, follow-up appointments, and any additional services provided by the clinic or hospital. It is recommended to consider not only the cost but also the surgeon’s credentials, experience, and quality of care provided when making a decision about crooked nose surgery.

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About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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