Reconsidering a Silicone Nose Implant After 5–10 Years: Is Removal Advisable?

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silicone nose implant

Reconsidering a Silicone Nose Implant After 5–10 Years: Is Removal Advisable?

In worldwide rhinoplasty, silicone is the most preferred and commonly used implant material for augmentation rhinoplasty. It has many benefits, such as

  • Its thickness does not decrease over time, as opposed to the traditional GoreTex implant.
  • It has a firm consistency and is easy to sculpt.
  • It has a nonporous structure, hence bacterial growth is repelled, but it also prevents the biointegration of tissues.

However, the nose implant using a silicone implant might necessitate removal for some after 5–10 years. The decision to reconsider or remove a silicone nose implant after 5–10 years depends on various factors, including the individual’s satisfaction with the results, any complications or issues that have arisen, and the reasons for considering removal.

The silicone nose implant’s stabilization depends on the capsule formation around it. Silicone nose implants, like any other surgical implant, are designed to be long-lasting and durable. However, over time, complications can occur, and a person may choose to revisit their decision for several reasons:

  • Health concerns: Some individuals may experience discomfort, pain, or inflammation around the implant. In rare cases, there could be an increased risk of infection or the development of scar tissue (capsular contracture) around the implant site.
  • Change in aesthetic preferences: As time passes, personal preferences and trends in aesthetics may change. What was once considered desirable may no longer align with the individual’s aesthetic goals. Sometimes silicone has a tendency to extrude over time, and people can feel the implant under the nose. Another side effect of a silicone implant is that it causes abnormal skin color.
  • Implant displacement or changes: Silicone implants may shift because of the weakness of the capsule, leading to implant malposition and deformation of the surrounding tissue, causing asymmetry or changes in the appearance of the nose. This could be due to trauma, gradual movement, or other factors.
  • Medical necessity: In some instances, health complications or changes in the individual’s health, injury to the implant, blockage of the duct, etc. may necessitate the removal of the implant. Resorption of the underlying bone, calcification, etc. are other common issues.
  • Psychological reasons: For some individuals, psychological factors such as dissatisfaction with the appearance or discomfort with the presence of the implant may prompt them to consider removal.

It’s crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or a specialist revision rhinoplasty surgeon experienced in facial plastic surgery to discuss concerns, review the current condition of the implant, and evaluate the potential risks and benefits of removal.

The decision to remove a silicone nose implant is individualized and should consider the potential risks of surgery, the expected outcome after removal, and the possibility of needing revision surgery to achieve the desired appearance. If an individual is experiencing complications or is dissatisfied with the silicone nose implant after several years, discussing these concerns with a qualified medical professional is essential to determining the best course of action, whether it involves removal, replacement, or other treatment options.

Given below is an overview of the considerations that you should know before considering a nasal implant removal:

Removal of a nasal silicone implant is a revision rhinoplasty, a surgical procedure that involves removing the previous implant and reconstructing the nose. Patients undergoing a silicone implant removal need a detailed procedure, such as a concomitant capsulectomy, to ensure that the shape of the nose job does not deform and tip deformity does not occur.

Who Is The Ideal Candidate For The Nasal Silicone Implant Removal Procedure?

The right candidates for nasal implant removal rhinoplasty in India are

  • Patients who are otherwise healthy and don’t have other medical conditions
  • Patients who are not happy with the rhinoplasty results
  • Patients who are having complications from the implants, such as displacement, infection, etc.
  • Patients who have disorders such as lupus or other autoimmune disorders, which make them at high risk of complications from silicone implants,
  • Patients with new nasal trauma that causes fractures to the nose, and in such cases, the implants need to be removed before repair.

Silicone Nose Implant Surgery: Consultation, Preparation, And Surgery

If you are considering the removal or replacement of the nasal implant, then scheduling a consultation with a top rhinoplasty surgeon in Mumbai is the first step to achieving perfect results.

During the consultation, the nose surgeon will talk to you about the implant and why you want it removed, your medical history, review the previous surgery results and do a physical examination of the nose and face.

In the next step, the plastic surgeon will take photos of the nose from all angles and/or use computer-aided software to help you see the possible outcomes after the implant removal. He will also explain the removal process, risks, and complications. Recovery post-rhinoplasty surgery will also be a part of the discussion.

Talk to the surgeon about your concerns and expectations. This will help bring both of you to the same page.

Preparing For The Removal Of Nasal Silicone

Your rhinoplasty surgeon will guide you with tips and precautions to prepare well for the surgery and ensure a successful recovery after implant removal. These include

  • Stop taking any blood thinners about two weeks before the scheduled surgery.
  • Avoid smoking and all forms of nicotine two to three weeks before the surgery, as nicotine can impair blood circulation.
  • Hydration is important before and after the surgery.
  • Don’t eat or drink anything before the surgery.
  • Don’t wear jewelry to the clinic on the day of the operation.

The Surgery

Rhinoplasty surgeons who are experts in such revision rhinoplasties plan the implant removal procedures carefully.

  • On the day of the surgery, the patient is prepped, i.e., the skin is cleaned.
  • Then the team will administer general anesthesia.
  • The surgeon will then make an incision through the nose or on the columella to access the silicone implant. He will then remove the implant and the surrounding scar tissue.
  • After removing the implant, the surgeon will use cartilage grafts from the ears or ribs to reshape the nose. This is necessary to reinforce the skin and structure of the nose and prevent the tip from drooping or becoming asymmetrical.
  • Once satisfied, the rhinoplasty surgeon will close the incision. The patient will be wheeled into the recovery room and monitored until the anesthesia wears off.
  • Once the patient is awake, The surgeon will give instructions on how to take care of the nose during the recovery period.

Recovery Post-Silver Implant Removal

Recovery post-nasal implant removal: rhinoplasty is an important part of the surgery. Good after-care ensures that the results are as intended. The first 24 hours are the most severe, and you may experience headaches, bruising, nosebleeds, and even swelling. Rest as much as you can. and here are some tips to make the recovery process simpler and easier.

  • Avoid blowing your nose.
  • Stay away from strenuous activities.
  • Avoid wearing glasses for several weeks.
  • Avoid sunlight exposure.
  • Take the necessary medications as instructed by the surgeon.
  • Use the suggested saline spray or nasal irrigation procedures to keep the nasal passage clean and moist.
  • Use liquid and soft food until a day after the procedure.
  • If you feel like sneezing or coughing, do it with your mouth open to avoid pressure on the nose.
  • Avoid laughing or talking too much.
  • Don’t try to touch, pinch, or press the nose until the healing is complete.
  • Use a cold compress as needed.
  • Avoid eating foods that require too much chewing, such as carrots, guavas, etc.
  • Use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth.
  • Sleep with your head elevated on a few pillows.

If a splint or cast has been placed on the nose, be careful not to bump or touch it. It will be removed after about two weeks once the nose is strong enough. You will be able to return to work in a few weeks, but it takes several months for the nose to heal completely and the swelling to go down.

Risks Associated With Nasal Silicone Implant Removal

Nasal implants are a surgical procedure and hence have some rate, but there are still risks associated with the surgery. The common risks include

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Scaring
  • Chance in the shape of the nose and the tip
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Anesthesia risks

When Are The Results Of The Removal Of The Nasal Silicone Implant Surgery Visible?

The recovery times depend on several factors, such as the skin type, the person’s general health, and the complexity of the surgery. The results will take a few weeks to start to show and will continue to improve over the next few months.

Take great care of the nose, avoid injuries or strong bumps to, and make sure you contact your surgeon the moment you notice something wrong with the results.

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About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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