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Know the Difference Between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty?

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Know the Difference Between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty?

A nose job is a very popular type of surgery and it covers a vast number of procedures under its umbrella. This is not surprising because the nose is located at the front and centre of the face and it has a very important role in maintaining regular functions. The main function of the nose is to control and filter the airflow and help you breathe properly. But there is another important role of the nose is the beauty of the face. A crooked nose can make your lips look crooked. The crooked nose can be because of a slanted tip or it might be because of the deviated septum or bone structure.  The balance and harmony that the nose brings to the face are unique.

There are two main types of nose surgery:

septoplasty and rhinoplasty. both aim to improve the nose but address different issues. They can be done as stand-alone surgeries or combined for better results.

Many times what we see as a suddle nose deformity from the outside is related to some internal issues as well and both need to be treated to make the patient comfortable. Rhinoplasty focuses on treating the external appearance of the nose and septoplasty is aimed to correct or improve the internal defects.

When you visit the surgeon for a nose job, he will ask you about your concerns in detail and then help choose the right treatment for you. Rhinoplasty and septoplasty both have different goals but the aim is to improve your quality of life and self-confidence. It is therefore important to understand the difference between septoplasty and rhinoplasty to know what difference it will make in your nose and facial profile. Here we have listed some common things and major differences between rhinoplasty and septoplasty to help you understand which one to choose.


A rhinoplasty nose job is mostly done for cosmetic reasons primarily. The nose is a complex organ and each person’s nose is very unique. Therefore, the ideal nose for each person is different and there is no mold that every nose can fit in. Therefore your nasal structure has an individual relationship with your facial features. Unlike other plastic surgery procedures, conservatism is a prime consideration in rhinoplasty to preserve the natural and soft look. It is important to let your doctor know about what you are looking to correct.

Rhinoplasty can be done to

  • Reduce the size of the nose
  • Change the width of the bridge
  • Correct the hump on the bridge
  • Lengthen the nose
  • Make your nose symmetrical
  • Straighten a crooked nose
  • Change the orientation of the nose tip and alter its size and shape
  • Remove the depression on the bridge
  • Correct the size, position, and shape of the nostrils

Every patient has a different set of preferences when it comes to selecting the type of rhinoplasty. the final aim is to achieve a natural look that fits well with your facial features. There are very high degrees of refinement that can be achieved with surgical nose reshaping. In a rhinoplasty nose job, a detailed consultation is done with the surgeon about what you like and don’t like about your nose. The surgeon will carefully asses your nose, look at the photos, examine your skin type, and work with you to work out what nose shape works for the structure of your face. This procedure can be done in a minimally invasive way too i.e., with the use of threads or fillers. This is called liquid rhinoplasty and is done to augment the nose. A Liquid nose job is a temporary procedure less costly than the traditional rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can be done under local or general anesthesia. Rhinoplasty is usually not covered by insurance.


This type of nose job is done to correct the shape of the septum. The septum is the thin wall that separates the two nostrils. The septum has important functions, it supports the nose and helps direct the airflow. It is composed of cartilage and thin bone. When either the cartilage or the bone is not straight, it is called a deviated septum.  This can happen because of birth or an injury. About 80% of people around the world have some degree of deviation in the septum.

A deviated septum sometimes does not cause any symptoms or problems in an individual. But when left untreated or if it gets severe it can cause many problems such as

  • Reducing the airflow and causing difficulty in breathing. This obstruction can get worse when you get some cold or allergies as it can cause the nasal passage to become narrow and swell.
  • A deviated septum can cause dryness in the effect of airflow and it can cause crusting or bleeding in some people.
  • A crooked septum can also cause congestion in the nose and cause swelling in the tissue and skin lining on the insides of the nose. Medications can help reduce the swelling but not solve the deviated septum problem.
  • Snoring or noisy breathing when sleeping because of deviated septum and swelling in the tissues of the nose and obstructed breathing.
  • Sinus infections are mainly caused because of deviated septum and it can disrupt the person’s entire life. A chronic sinus infection can cause swelling, irritation, and inflammation in the nasal passages.
  • Obstructive Sleep apnea is a condition caused by a deviated septum and it results in a person to stop breathing in the night during the sleep. This can happen multiple times during the night. Sleep apnea decreases the oxygen supply to the brain and other parts of the body.

People suffering from deviated septum tend to sleep on one side to adjust breathing through the nose. Deviated septum should be treated to avoid long-term and short-term health problems. Septoplasty to correct the deviated septum is a simple surgery that can help relieve the patient of long-term pain and discomfort. A deviated septum cannot be treated with medications.

When untreated conditions like sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, depression, headache, ADHD, stroke and even poor performance in daily life and even affect children.


If you have difficulty in breathing or have had a recent trauma to the nose that has changed your breathing pattern then it is time to talk to your surgeon about septoplasty. The surgeon makes an incision to divide the nasal mucosa from bone and cartilage. Then the cartilage is straightened. Also if the problem is the bone then the surgeon will have to trim the bone or add a graft to help correct the deviation. Spreader grafts are small reinforcing strips that correct the deviated septum that is causing the problem along the bridge of the nose. Then the mucosa back over the bone and cartilage and the nose shape returned to normal. Septoplasty is a medical treatment that is covered by insurance.

When Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty overlap

Sometimes the deviated septum can cause off imbalance in the facial appearance too and hence septoplasty can be combined with rhinoplasty and it is called Septorhinoplasty. This not only corrects the breathing problem but also improves facial aesthetics. Every nose job needs to consider function and appearance. Septoplasty is careful about not disrupting the aesthetics of the nose and rhinoplasty is done carefully to preserve the nasal passageways. Deviated septum and rhinoplasty are commonly performed surgeries that are very safe and effective.

You can get a rhinoplasty and septoplasty at the same time and it has a lot of benefits in terms of

  • Cost
  • Safely
  • Recovery
  • Convenience

Cost of septoplasty and rhinoplasty

Septorhinoplasty is done in one go but the cost of septoplasty and rhinoplasty with insurance is different. Because the functional rhinoplasty is covered by insurance and rhinoplasty is not therefore you must talk to your provider before confirming for the surgery. when done together septoplasty and rhinoplasty cost is very economical i.e., Cost effective one because

  • The anaesthesiologist fees comes onto play only once.
  • You need to pay the surgeon’s feel only once
  • Better results without need of revision rhinoplasty
  • Fewer consultation.

About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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