What are the risks of getting revision rhinoplasty?

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What are the risks of getting revision rhinoplasty?

What are the risks of getting revision rhinoplasty?

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Rhinoplasty is also known as nose job, nose reshaping as it is popularly known is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeriesin the world. It is a safe procedure when performed by an experienced and qualified surgeon. Rhinoplasty changes the shape of the nose by making it bigger, smaller, straighter or shorter. It can be used to change shape and angle of the tip of the nose too. The nose job can also correct the breathing issues in a patient, remove polyps, and treat sinus and other chronic allergies.

An important part of rhinoplasty is known the recovery procedure and following it. Like any other surgical procedure, it is important to understand that there are risks involved and they can affect the shape and function of the nose.

Although most rhinoplasties are done with proper planning and consultations with the surgeon but sometimes patients are not satisfied with the results or because of incorrect recovery that the results might not be as desired. In such cases a revision rhinoplasty surgery is suggested.

The revision rhinoplasty is an also a cosmetic procedure which entails correcting the issues with the primary rhinoplasty. Best revision rhinoplasty surgeon in India can correct asymmetries, deformities, breathing problems etc. that might arise because of the first nose surgery. It is a complex and delicate procedure and you should trust only the best revision rhinoplasty surgeons in India to give the desired results. They will understand what went wrong and can greatly minimize the risk of further complications.

Some common reasons of revision rhinoplasty or secondary rhinoplasty include

  • Unsatisfactory Cosmetic Results: If the initial rhinoplasty did not meet the patient’s aesthetic expectations, revision rhinoplasty may be necessary. This could include issues such as an overly large or small nose, asymmetry, visible deformities, tip too wide or narrow or residual humps or depressions.
  • Breathing Problems: In some cases, the primary rhinoplasty may have inadvertently resulted in nasal obstruction or breathing difficulties or sinus issues. This can occur due to excessive tissue removal, inadequate support structures, or other anatomical changes that affect the nasal airway during the primary rhinoplasty.
  • Functional Complications: Rhinoplasty can occasionally lead to functional issues such as nasal valve collapse or vestibular stenosis, which can cause nasal obstruction and breathing problems. Revision rhinoplasty can help correct these functional complications and improve nasal airflow.
  • Nasal Deformities or Irregularities: The healing process after a rhinoplasty can sometimes result in the development of deformities, irregularities, or asymmetries. This can include issues such as saddle nose deformity (collapsed nasal bridge), pinched nasal tip, nostril asymmetry, or excessive scar tissue formation. These usually occur when the patient tries to hurry the healing or are hurt before the healing process completes.
  • Structural Problems: In certain cases, the structural integrity of the nose may be compromised following the primary rhinoplasty. This can include issues such as a weakened or over-resected nasal septum, nasal bone asymmetry, or nasal tip instability. Revision rhinoplasty aims to address these structural problems and restore proper nasal function and appearance.
  • Trauma or Injury: If the nose experiences trauma or injury after the initial rhinoplasty, it may require revision surgery to repair any resulting damage or changes to the nasal structure.

Who should get a revision rhinoplasty?

If you have one or many or the following problems, then you should talk to your doctor about a revision rhinoplasty in Mumbai.

  • Nasal hump
  • Pointed or pinched nasal tip
  • Breathing problems after the first rhinoplasty especially when sleeping or doing physical activities
  • Nasa deviation
  • Droop or lift of the nasal tip
  • Short nose
  • Keloid development
  • Asymmetrical nostrils
  • Loss of nasal tip

On surface, revision rhinoplasty sounds very simple but it comes with its own set of risks. Your revision rhinoplasty surgeon will discuss the risks with you and guide you through the process. a surgeon who does not talk about the risks and does not explain the recovery process is not the best choice. Knowing the risks involved will greatly lower down your anxiety levels and also act as a groundwork for successful recovery post revision rhinoplasty Mumbai.

The common risks and complications involved with revision rhinoplasty include

  • Temporary airway obstruction or nasal blockage sensation: this happens because of the surgery and the swelling because of it. It can make it difficult to sleep at night and even cause snoring. The hospital staff will carefully monitor the breathing and respiration patterns and try to relive the obstructions in the airway. The obstructions or its sensation happen because revision rhinoplasty makes changes in the septum and shape and size of the nose leading to swelling.
  • Bleeding: Minor and temporary bleeding is a common risk of revision rhinoplasty Mumbai. This happens because of the damage to the blood vessels in the nose. This condition usually subsidizes after 12-36 hours. However, if you are on blood thinning medications such as aspirin can cause the excessive bleeding. Be careful with our nose during the healing period, i.e., avoid blowing your nose or bumping your nose to prevent bleeding.
  • Septum wall collapse: In some cases, the septum can become too perforated or weakened and it can cause the nose to collapse. This can easily be prevented and corrected with the careful use of cartilage grafts in the nose.
  • Visual impairment: this happens because of the use of anaesthesia or the vasoconstrictor injection. This condition is temporary and goes away as the effects of the medicine wear off.
  • Infection: This is a rare occurrence but sometimes scarring, grafting, damage to the nasal lining can increase the risk of infection. The common symptoms of infection are fever, excessive swelling, smelly nasal discharge, pain etc. you should contact the revision rhinoplasty surgeon immediately in such cases.
  • Persistent nasal drip: This is also known as rhinorrhoea and it is one of the rare complications of revision rhinoplasty. It affects the sense of smell temporarily. The surgeon will give you a nasal spray to help reduce the discomfort.
  • Adverse reaction to anaesthesia: This is an also a rare condition but sometimes it can happen. Best revision rhinoplasty surgeons only work with top anaesthesiologists to ensure that there are no such incidences.
  • Loss of dorsal support: This can cause saddle nose deformity in case too much of septum is harvested and the over resection can cause inverted v shape in the nose.

Overall revision rhinoplasty in Mumbai has very low rates of complications but sometimes excessive scar tissue formation, warping of cartilage and contraction of skin is possible.

Tips to reduce the risks of revision or secondary rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty can be life changing for people when done correctly. One can reduce the risk of revision rhinoplasty greatly by

  • Choosing an expert surgeon who has an extensive background in reconstructive surgery.
  • The decision to undergo revision rhinoplasty should be made in consultation with a qualified surgeon, who can assess the individual’s specific concerns, anatomical considerations, and previous surgical history to determine the feasibility and potential outcomes of the procedure.
  • The revision rhinoplasty should be done by surgeon who has a practice that focuses on revision rhinoplasty. Experience brings good judgment and this will help reduce the complications.
  • . Open communication with the surgeon is essential to discuss expectations, limitations, and realistic goals for revision rhinoplasty.
  • Learn about the recovery process in detail
  • Follow the recovery instructions closely and don’t try to speed up things until the healing is complete.
  • Call your rhinoplasty surgeon in case you notice some post-surgery complications that the surgeon instructed to watch out for or if there is something you don’t feel comfortable with.

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Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

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