Category Archives: Non-surgical nose

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Petite Nose

Optimal Rhinoplasty Expertise in India: Addressing Concerns of a Petite Nose

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The perfect nose size is attractive if it fits the other facial features. The functions of the nose remain the same, but their sizes are different. The shape and size of the noses vary based on ethnicity, gender, age, and many other factors. Usually, the length of men’s noses is about 2.2 inches, and for women, it is 2 inches. The difference is usually because of muscle mass, evolution, and the environment.  


The nose’s exterior starts with the nose’s root, located between the brows, and then comes the bridge, which links the root to the apex and the entirety of the nasal anatomy. The distance between the tip or apex and the bridge determines the nose size, known as the dorsum nasi. The second determinant is the nasal septum, which separates the nostrils on either side of the tip. The third is the philtrum, which runs from the nasal tip to the upper lip. These three factors are the three-dimensional considerations that determine the size of the nose. Variations in these dimensions can result in a smaller nose than usual.

Small noses are considered very attractive, and the general perception is that they look better on women. Small noses are associated with feminism and delicateness, which fits the age-old idea of how women should look. However, a small nose that is too small can imbalance the overall appearance and facial proportions. The good news is that surgical or nonsurgical rhinoplasties can quickly correct the small nose.


What Causes Small Noses?

  • Genetics: Research has shown that the shape and size of the nose can be attributed to genetic factors. If your parents have smaller noses, you might have a small nose, leading to an imbalanced facial profile. The nose is a crucial distinguishing part of the face.
  • Ethnic influences: Different ethnicities have distinct nasal characteristics passed down through generations. Some groups have naturally smaller noses, such as Southeast Asians and East Asians, who have smaller and flatter noses.
  • Aging: As we age, various factors show their effects. Changes in skin elasticity and loss of cartilage firmness can reduce nose sizes in many cases.
  • Trauma: Accidents or injuries to the nose can affect its size and shape, causing it to become smaller or mishappen. Trauma-related rhinoplasty is a specialized surgery that improves the nose’s form and function.
  • Loss of maxillary support: The base of the nose gets its structural support from the maxilla, the bone that forms the upper jaw and part of the face. The maxilla is an important part of the nasal structure and supports the nasal skeleton. Loss of maxillary backing can cause the nose to appear smaller.
  • Overdeveloped tip cartilages make the rest of the nose appear smaller. Adjustments in the tip size help achieve the perfect nose shape.
  • Environmental factors: Prenatal development, lack of nutrition, and pregnancy issues can influence nasal growth at birth. Even hormonal changes in fetal development affect nose size.
  • Some congenital conditions can cause the appearance of a smaller nose. For example, binder syndrome is characterized by an underdeveloped nose.
  • Previous rhinoplasty gone bad: When a previous rhinoplasty procedure to improve the form and function of the nose does not give the desired results, the outcome might be a small nose that requires correction.



The ideal nose shape for each face is different. The perfect nose shape is determined based on other facial features, the nose shape, the patient’s age, and ethnicity. A rhinoplasty surgeon will help you address the concerns with the small nose and work out the best course of action. Your overall health status, the clarity of expectations, and the aesthetic and functional outcomes you wish for the perfect nose shape. Your unique goals and needs will help tailor the best rhinoplasty option to ensure the best possible results.


Nonsurgical Small Nose Rhinoplasty


Dermal fillers: This method involves using dermal fillers to alter the size of the nose. The fillers add volume and enhance the symmetry and shape of the nose. They are an alternative for people who want a new look but do not want to opt for surgery. Fillers last for about six to eight months.


Thread rhinoplasty: This nonsurgical procedure is done under local anesthesia. Dissolvable threads made of polydioxanone (PDO) or polylactic acid (PLA) lift and contour the tip and nasal bridge. The threads are inserted under the skin of the nose using a fine needle or cannula. The barbs on the threads anchor themselves to the tissue to provide support and lift to the nasal structure. After placing the threads, the rhinoplasty surgeon can adjust their position to achieve the desired lengthening and contouring of the nose, depending on the perfect nose shape for the person. The threads dissolve over some time.


Surgical Small Nose Rhinoplasty

The surgical rhinoplasty, or nose job, for the ideal nose, is a cosmetic procedure to elongate the nose. This procedure involves using various techniques tailored according to the patient’s needs and expectations.


The “tongue-in-groove” technique is a popular surgical method used in rhinoplasty to elongate the nose. It aims to work with the relationship between the nasal tip cartilages and the septum to achieve a longer nasal projection and tip rotation. After discussing the perfect nose shape with the patient, the surgeon evaluates the patient’s nasal anatomy, assesses the nasal structures, and plans the surgical approach.


The surgery is done under general anesthesia. Incisions are made inside the rhinoplasty or across the columella to access the nasal structures. The rhinoplasty surgeon then repositions the lower lateral cartilages emphatically (towards the head) or caudally (towards the feet) to achieve the desired elongation and rotation of the nasal tip. Once the cartilages are repositioned, the surgeon may use sutures or other techniques to stabilize them in their new position and maintain the elongated nasal tip projection. The incisions are closed, and the patients can go home for healing.


Another popular method of nose elongation is the use of augmentation for nose rhinoplasty. This nose job increases the length and projection of the nasal bridge or tip using synthetic implants or grafts. The implants can be taken from the patient’s rib or ear cartilage and then reshaped to fit the nose structure for the perfect nose shape. The surgeon will use synthetic implants when the autologous implants cannot be used. Synthetic implants made of silicone, Gore-Tex, or Medpor may augment the nasal bridge or tip. The surgeon carefully shapes and inserts the implant to achieve the desired elongation and contouring of the nose. Once implants are in place, the surgeon will temporarily close the sutures and use nasal splints or packing to support the nose during the healing phase.


Recovery Post-Surgical Rhinoplasty

It is expected to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, but they will subside in a few weeks. Follow the instructions the caregiver gives to facilitate proper healing and achieve optimal results.


Rhinoplasty for a small nose is a sophisticated method that requires skill and expertise to execute effectively. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications associated. Choosing a qualified and experienced rhinoplasty surgeon specializing in this approach is essential. Thorough pre-operative consultation and communication with the surgeon are crucial for understanding the patient’s goals and establishing realistic expectations concerning the ideal nose.

The results of the nose elongation surgery take several months to fully manifest as the swelling resolves and nasal skin and tissues settle into their new shape. The slightest change in the nose can dramatically impact a person’s image and self-esteem.

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Understanding Beauty Finding The Elements of a Beautiful Nose Shape

Understanding Beauty: Finding The Elements of a Beautiful Nose Shape

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The beautiful nose seems like a myth, but it is what everyone desires. You might wonder why. The answer is simple: the ideal nose can put your eyes, cheek, chin, and forehead in proportion and make your face look perfect. Even a little tweak through rhinoplasty can bring about big changes.

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Non-surgical nose job: Procedure and results

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Non Surgical Nose Job

You have probably never heard anybody say what a beautiful nose you have but the truth is that the shape and size of the nose play a very important role in facial aesthetics. The everyday social media interaction we do brings about beautiful proportioned faces everywhere and it has made the non-surgical nose job or the liquid rhinoplasty or the lunchtime nose job a very popular cosmetic surgery for everybody.

While the opinion of a beautiful nose differs across various cultures, the consensus is that balance proportion, and symmetry is what make the nose perfect or beautiful. As humans, symmetry is something that we all appreciate and are attracted to and this is what is the aim of a liquid rhinoplasty. The ideal nasal width of a person is equal to the width of a person’s eyes and in the same way, vertical symmetry of the face is achieved when the nose is in the middle third of the face.

This is not a replacement for permanent rhinoplasty but a very viable option for those who do not want to or cannot afford to have a permanent nose job but still want to alter the shape of the nose for better aesthetics. Many use a liquid rhinoplasty as a prelude to permanent surgery to see what changes it can make. One of the biggest advantages of liquid rhinoplasty is that it can be reversed if you don’t like the results. Most men and women opt for a non-surgical nose job because they are dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose for a long time such as the bulbous tip, dorsal hump, or low radix of the nose. There are no cuts, grafts, or scars in liquid nose jobs. Non-surgical rhinoplasty can also be used to improve nose function by securing the nasal valves.

Non-surgical nose job is also referred to as non-surgical nose reshaping and it can make mild to moderate alterations to the patient’s nose shape. A liquid nose reshaping uses two main procedures, namely:

  • Dermal fillers
  • Nasal threads

Gone are the days when fillers were used to be made of wax and silicon which gave an unnatural appearance to the nose. Modern fillers are made of safe materials that are precise in nature and mold the existing structure to give the most natural-looking results. Similarly, the threads are made of safe and absorbable materials like polydioxanone (PDO) which have a low risk of allergies and inflammation.  Liquid rhinoplasty is a pain-free procedure and gives immediate results.

What can a non-surgical nose job help you with?

A liquid nose job cannot alter the structure of the nose but it can greatly improve the appearance of the nose by

  • Correcting the nasal dorsal hump: The hump is present at the bridge of the nose and looks like a camel back hump when looked at from the side. Fillers are injected in the sides of the hump to even it out and make the nose look straighter.
  • Right the droopy nasal tip: Both filler and nasal threads can be used to correct the droopy nasal tip by lifting it. The result is a comfortable side profile and a younger appearance to the face.
  • Correcting nose symmetry
  • Correcting the angular shape and improving nasal proportions. This treatment smooths the sharp angles in the nose giving the entire face a softer appearance.
  • Rectifying the nasal sidewall depression
  • Enhancing the retracted maxilla lateral to the pyriform aperture. This corrects the pear-shaped look
  • Fillers are used for a liquid nose job to elevate the saddle nose deformity caused because of a failed previous rhinoplasty
  • Correcting nasal birth defects
  • Correct problems caused because of traumatic injuries
  • Acting as a filler for nose contouring post-primary rhinoplasty.

Advantages of nonsurgical nose contouring

Liquid nose contouring has the obvious advantage of no surgery but there are other major benefits too such as

  • The treatment takes less than an hour hence the name lunchtime ideal nose job.
  • There is no downtime and you can go back to normal work in a few hours
  • The changes are small like maybe a millimeter or two but their impact is noticeable and can be seen immediately
  • In the case of filler, the changes can be reversed. If threads are used then they dissolve in a year.
  • No post-surgery complications such as scaring, incision infections, etc.

Non-surgical nose job: Procedure

The entire procedure does not take more than your lunchtime. Fillers can be injected in any part of the nose such as the bridge, tip, and side. Threads on the other hand are not suitable for correcting the dorsal hump. Most cosmetic surgeons use a combination of fillers and threads to give the desired symmetry and balance to the nose with respect to the face.

Non-surgical nose job cannot alter the bone shape or make the nose smaller but it can add volume to the nose, enhance the tip, and straighten the slight crookedness of the nose. In the pre-procedure consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will explain everything to you and discuss your concerns and expectations regarding nose augmentation.  The surgeon will also test your skin to check the skin laxity. Once you and the surgeon are on the same page the next step is to check the medical history. Liquid nose contouring is not suitable for

  • Breastfeeding or lactating women
  • People who have thin skin or sun-damaged skin
  • People who have had radiation treatments to the nose
  • Patients with chronic medical conditions
  • Allergy to fillers or suture materials
  • Inflammation and allergy in the treatment area.

Once everything is satisfactory you and the surgeon will decide on a mutually convenient time and date for the procedure. On the day of the procedure

  • Eat a meal before going in
  • Don’t apply makeup on the treatment area
  • The surgeon will clean the area and apply a numbing cream or inject a numbing agent in the nose and wait for it to take effect.
  • In the meantime, the cosmetic surgeon will mark the area on the nose for injecting fillers or threads
  • Then using small injections, the surgeon will carefully inject the filler in the nose or use a cannula-type syringe to insert and anchor the treads under the skin.
  • The doctor will then gently press the area where fillers are injected so that they adapt well.
  • If both fillers and threads are used then the cosmetic surgeon will first anchor the threads and then inject the fillers immediately.
  • The cosmetic surgeon will ask you to wait for a few minutes after the procedure and then you can go home.

The most commonly used dermal fillers are Juvéderm which is a cross-linked hyaluronic acid filler and comes in the form of a gel.  This is the preferred filler because it is soft and reversible. The areas where fillers and threads are to be placed depend on your goals. In some cases, multiple threads need to be injected over several sessions to get the desired effect.

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty results

You will notice an immediate change or difference in your facial profile. There can be some redness or bruising on the nose but this will not hamper your regular activities. The results of a liquid nose contouring will continue to improve over the next few months and last comfortably from anywhere between 9-14 months depending on the material used and your skin type. Nasal threads create small injuries under the skin which trigger the body’s natural healing response. This improves collagen production and you might see some permanent filling in some areas.

Get your selfie camera ready because in 1 or 2 days post the procedure, once the swelling goes down, you will be able to see a marked change in your facial profile as desired. However, you should not try and touch and press the treated site and let it heal naturally.

If you have unbearable pain or notice any undue redness, bruising or blue skin then contact your cosmetic surgeon immediately.

Nonsurgical nose job cost

The cost of liquid rhinoplasty is lower than that of surgical rhinoplasty. A nose filler cost is dependent on the amount of filler used, the surgeon’s feel, and the facilities used. The type of nose filler also affects the nose filler procedure cost. Thread rhinoplasties are differently priced than nose filler liquid nose jobs and their price depends on the number the threads and the sessions needed.

About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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