Category Archives: Rhinoplasty Surgeon

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Elevated Elegance versus Subtle Symmetry: Achieving Facial Harmony through Rhinoplasty

The nose knows that beauty lies in each individual’s uniqueness. It is the most prominent feature of the face. The nose is also often associated with pride and ego in many cultures. With the popularity of selfies rising every day, everyone wants to look their best in the photos. The nose can be a pain point for people looking in the mirror, and most are particularly unhappy with the shape and height of their nasal bridge. 


While there is no wrong or right shape of the nose, the perfect nose shape would blend seamlessly with the rest of the facial features. The nose should highlight the eyes and other facial features while enhancing the essence of ethnicity. 


According to the best rhinoplasty surgeon, the nose job in India is done based on the golden ratio as a guide for designing the ideal nose that best suits a face. The nose measurements are done by measuring the angle between the nose’s bridge and forehead and the tip and upper lip. The height from the forehead to nose bridge should be 115° ~ 130° angle. The ideal angle between the nose tip and the upper lip should be 95° to 100°. Nose plastic surgery in India utilizes the power of 3D imaging to give their patients an overview and better understanding of the before and after of the surgery. 


The Nasal Bridge

Also referred to as the dorsum, the bridge of the nose extends from between the eyes to the tip of the nose. It is made of bone at the top and cartilage towards the tip. The most common nose plastic surgery in India is the dorsal hump rhinoplasty

The nasal bridge plays many vital roles in the overall functioning and appearance of the nose, such as:

  • Support and structure: the nasal bridge is essential in providing structural support to the nose and maintaining its shape and stability. The bridge bone and cartilage are the upper nose’s framework and ensure the strength and integrity of the nasal structure.
  • Aesthetic appearance: The height and width of the nasal dorsum play a definitive role in the nose’s appearance. The dorsum’s shape influences the nose’s height, width, and overall profile. Various factors, such as genetics, ethnicity, etc., also influence the shape and contour of the nasal bridge. 
  • Airflow regulation: The dorsum bridge does not play a direct role in airflow regulation, but the shape and contour of the nasal bridge do affect the airflow dynamics in the nose. A high or low nasal bridge may impact nasal airflow patterns and breathing. 

Apart from all of the above advantages, the nasal bridge also supports your eyewear. A well-defined dorsum bridge helps stabilize and support the eyewear, ensuring a comfortable fit without pinching or pressing the skin. This means there is no discomfort in wearing sunglasses with style. 

Whether you are looking for elevated elegance or subtle changes in your facial profile, dorsal Rhinoplasty is the way to go. Correcting the nasal bridge with a low or high bridge will improve facial symmetry and enhance your facial features. 


Dorsal Rhinoplasty

Nasal bridge correction is an essential aspect of nose plastic surgery in India. There are two types of nose bridge corrections in India.


Low and High Bridge Rhinoplasty 

A low nose bridge is very common with people of Asian, African, or Hispanic descent. The shape of the nose and bridge is often dictated by genetics. The high nose bridge is familiar to people of Roman or Greek descent. However, some defects, injuries, disorders, infections, or medical conditions can influence the final shape of the nose. The low nose bridge can also be because of saddle nose depression, and the high nasal bridge can have a bump on it known as a saddle hump. 


How Do You Know If You Have A High Or Low Bridge?

It is straightforward. Stand in front of the mirror and look at the nose. If the pupils of your eyes align with the bridge, it is considered a low bridge, and if the pupils are above the bridge, then the dorsum height is above average (high nasal bridge). 


Low Nasal Bridge Causes

The underlying causes of the low nasal bridge are often present at birth and are easily diagnosed at or shortly after birth. Genetic disorders that might cause the low nasal bridge include Cleidocranial dysostosis, Williams syndrome, and Down Syndrome. If you have a low nasal bridge, discuss possible solutions through a nose job in India with an expert rhinoplasty surgeon. A low nasal bridge can cause issues such as 

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Eyewear fit as the glasses might slip down and put pressure on cheeks or temples because of lack of alignment. 
  • Lack of self-esteem as the tip of the nose might appear upturned

Talk to a good rhinoplasty surgeon who can evaluate your nasal structure and recommend appropriate treatment options. 

High nasal bridge causes

The dorsal hump and the high nasal bridge can be because of 

  • Genetics
  • Ethnicity 
  • Developmental factors during fetal treatment 
  • Trauma or injury to the nose 
  • Aging 
  • Previous surgical interventions, such as nasal augmentation 

The nose may look too big, or the eyes may appear narrower because of the high nasal bridge. 

The dorsum should be a straight profile that blends seamlessly with the tip of the nose. Dorsal Rhinoplasty for low bridge and high bridge is a sculpting rhinoplasty that involves working with the cartilage and bones in the nose to create a smooth and balanced nasal profile. 

Dorsal Rhinoplasty 

This type of nose plastic surgery in India is done by expert rhinoplasty surgeons as it involves many delicate procedures to ensure that the nose’s functionality is not disturbed in any way. The shape and contour of the nasal bridge can be adjusted in many ways, such as by making the bridge narrower or wider, adjusting the tip shape and orientation, etc. 

Rhinoplasty or nose job in India is a surgical procedure, and there are general steps to the procedure.

  • After consultation, the surgeon will discuss the steps for treatment with you. They will explain the procedure, recovery, and expected changes. 
  • The procedure
  • During Rhinoplasty for a low nasal bridge, the surgeon typically uses techniques to augment and build up the bridge of the nose. This can involve using implants, cartilage grafts (often harvested from the patient’s body, such as the septum or ear), or synthetic materials to increase the bridge’s height. The procedure will be tailored to your specific anatomy and aesthetic goals. When planning the surgery, your surgeon will consider factors such as the width of your nose, the shape of your face, and your desired outcome.
  • During a nose job in India to correct the high nasal bridge, the surgeon has to remove the dorsal hump and carefully shave off the extra bone and cartilage to even out the surface of the nasal bridge. For noses that look too big for the face, the surgeon makes controlled fractures to the bones on the nose bridge and shaves down the extra cartilage and bones to reduce the shape and size of the nose bridge. 
  • Recovery: Recovery from Rhinoplasty can vary from person to person but typically involves some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the days following surgery. You may need to wear a splint or bandage on your nose for some time to support the healing process. Following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions closely is vital to ensure proper healing and optimal results.


Depending on the shape of the nose and the magnitude of corrections needed, non-surgical procedures such as dermal fillers can be used to fill out the areas around the hump or the dip in the nose and build up and refine the bridge and tip without surgical interventions. 

The cost of nose shape surgery in India can vary depending on factors such as the surgeon’s experience, the complexity of the procedure, and the geographic location of the surgery. In addition to the surgeon’s fees, you may also need to consider other costs, such as anesthesia, facility fees, and post-operative care.


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Personalized Perfection: Personalized Beauty in Modern Rhinoplasty

Personalized Perfection: Personalized Beauty in Modern Rhinoplasty

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The realm of modern-day rhinoplasty is no longer just one size fits all. Gone are the days when cosmetic surgery could give only uniform results and there were just take it or leave it options. Today, it is all about personalization in rhinoplasty and other plastic surgeries. In order to enhance each individual’s natural beauty, expert rhinoplasty surgeons are working closely with their patients to get natural results for their unique beauty.

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India Rhinoplasty Surgery: How Do You Choose the Right Rhinoplasty Surgeon for You?

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The Indian subcontinent is known for its geographic diversity, and over the years, it has seen the evolution of various ethnicities, giving people their own unique facial proportions and characteristics. Hence, when it comes to plastic surgeries or cosmetic surgeries like rhinoplasty, it is important to choose a surgeon who specializes in ethnic rhinoplasty.

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Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in the World

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Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in the World

Who are Rhinoplasty Surgeons?

Rhinoplasty surgeons are the experts who perform clinical procedures to modify the nose’s shape. It is also commonly known as nose surgery, nose job, or nose reshaping procedure. Rhinoplasties are done by keeping the harmony and proportions of the entire face concerning the nose in mind. A rhinoplasty surgeon works with the bone, auricular cartilage, and skin of the nose to

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11 Questions to ask your Surgeon before Rhinoplasty

11 Questions to ask your Surgeon before Rhinoplasty

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The nose is the central feature of the face; it is right in front and center. Asymmetry or bumps in the nose can alter how your face looks, or if there are any irregularities in the function of the nose, it can cause breathing issues and be very distressing. Rhinoplasty is a simple and fantastic way to get your nose back in shape (in both aesthetic and functional ways) and brings balance and harmony to your features and confidence in your looks. But, of course, rhinoplasty is also done for other reasons such as repairing an injury or just revision surgery.

Since nose surgery is a complex and intricate surgery, it needs delicate handling from the surgeon’s side, and therefore it is natural to expect some nervousness and doubts. Surgery can be a scary experience, especially when making changes to your face. Consequently, you must ask as many questions as possible with the rhinoplasty surgeon and clear all your doubts. It is a known fact that knowing what will happen during the operation can significantly reduce uncertainty and also help the patient plan the surgery. It also makes the patient feel safer and more confident.

 Here is a list of 11 important questions to ask your surgeon before rhinoplasty to make the procedure and recovery more effortless.

1. What are the qualifications and track record of the surgeon?

Selecting a good rhinoplasty surgeon is one of the most critical factors of a successful rhinoplasty surgery. It’s your face and you don’t want to take a risk. Make sure to enquire about your surgeon’s exact qualifications. Are they certified by the concerned agencies? Do they have the additional capability to perform rhinoplasty surgery? Do they have experience in performing nose surgeries and have they done enough surgeries in the past to address your concern? You can also cross-check the surgeon’s accreditation online and get reviews from previous patients. A less experienced surgeon might charge you less, but they will also not get the results.

  1. Can they show you the before and after photos?

Request to see the before and after photos of the previous patients. Any good surgeon or facility will be able to share this information with ease. You can also see back and after pictures of your concern; for example, if you are seeking a tip surgery, then before and after photos of tip surgery of past patients will give you a better vision. This access will also give you an idea of the surgeon’s style and technique.

  1. Do I know what I want, and will I get it from rhinoplasty?

There are very few restrictions on who cannot get a rhinoplasty but your conversation with your surgeon should talk about your expectations. Your face is unique, and every rhinoplasty is personalized after summarizing your medical history, anatomy, and goals. This will help you make an informed decision about what you want and what can be achieved. When going in for the first consultation with the surgeon, take some ideas about what you want and don’t want and some reference photos if you have any. This will create a starting point with the doctor and give him an understanding of what changes are essential for you, and then he can guide you accordingly. Ask your surgeon about 3-D software that gives you a real-time idea of the difference the nose job will make in your facial features.

  1. Does your surgeon have experience in nose reshaping in your ethnicity?

Ethnic rhinoplasty is an essential aspect of a nose job. Each person has some classic facial characteristics depending on their ethnicity. Therefore, what calculations work for a Caucasian nose will not work for an Ideal nose? Therefore, before you finalize a rhinoplasty, ask your surgeon about her experience in the context of your ethnic background. This will ensure that the results of your rhinoplasty will be subtle, refined, natural-looking, and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, your surgeon will be able to ensure that your goals align with the surgical results. For this, the surgeon must understand the complex anatomy of the nose and the need to maintain both form and function. Best nose plastic surgeons in India have extensive experience in facial surgical procedures and the artistry to get the most natural-looking results.

  1. Open or closed, which surgical technique will be used?

Rhinoplasty surgery can be done using two techniques open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty. The technique selection depends on the changes you want, the surgeon’s comfort and experience, and your facial framework. The type and extent of reshaping also go a long way in selecting the right approach for your rhinoplasty. There are pros and cons of each technique in terms of outcome and aftercare.

  1. What type of rhinoplasty will give you the desired outcome?

There are different types of rhinoplasties, and each meets another goal. The surgeon can one or more types of rhinoplasties to give you the desired results. The common types of nose jobs include

  • Structural rhinoplasty is done to improve the shape and size of the nose. This is done by removing excessive tissue and bones or adding a graft to replace, reshape, or reinforce the nasal structures. This is usually done in an open approach for better access and manipulation.
  • Preservation rhinoplasty is focused on preserving the nasal tissues and reshaping and repositioning the nose. This nose surgery is done by the best nose plastic surgeons in India to maintain the natural aesthetics of the nose reshaping and improve its appearance.
  • Functional rhinoplasty aims to improve the function of the nose, such as correcting the deviated septum to improve breathing.
  1. What is liquid rhinoplasty?

Liquid rhinoplasty is a non-surgical type of rhinoplasty that can be used to contour the nose shape temporarily. This type of treatment uses dermal filler and surgical threads to treat the structural defects of the nose. Liquid rhinoplasty is popularly used to correct the appearance of a dorsal hump and downward pointing tip. These treatments last 6-12 months and must be repeated for continued results. Liquid rhinoplasty cannot correct any functional defects in the nose, but it is a great way to see the changes a cosmetic rhinoplasty can bring to your face.

  1. What is the revision rate of rhinoplasty patients?

Revision nose surgery is done on patients who are not happy with the results of the previous surgery or need more corrections in the first procedure. The revision rate is usually less than 5% in any good practice. However, sometimes a cosmetic nose job can cause a breathing problem or bring it forward; in that case, further revisions are required to improve the breathing. Ask the surgeon about his particular revision rate.

  1. What is revision surgery?

The healing process varies from patient to patient and sometimes you might not be happy with the immediate results of rhinoplasty, but they improve over time. But what happens when the results don’t give the desired outcome? Then you will require a revision. Keep in mind that you will be making a revision decision only after the effects of the previous ones are visible. Sometimes minor concerns can be resolved even without a revision. Please discuss with your surgeon the eventualities that their facility covers.

  1. What will be my recovery time, and how much time should I take off from work?

This is an important question to ask as the recovery period depends on various individual factors. In some patients, the recovery is in less than six weeks; in others, it might take time because the degree of work done is higher. The rhinoplasty surgeon will be your best guide for the norms of recovery and even give you tips to expedite your healing. A general timeline of healing is as follows.

  • Week 1: removal of the nasal splint, but still visible bruising and swelling
  • Week 2: less swelling and bruising
  • Week 4: facial swelling subsidies, the breathing improves and results begin to show.
  • Week 6: The patient is back to regular work and workout life, and bone healing is also done
  • Month 3-4: Results begin to show very clearly. The area has no pain, swelling, or other abnormal sensations.
  • One year and more: The skin shrinks to the new nose, and the final shape can be observed.

Here is a list of things that can affect the healing

  • Not following doctor’s orders
  • Previous trauma can delay the healing
  • Thick skin, thin skin, etc., are common factors that act as limiting for the surgery.
  1. What is the cost of the rhinoplasty?

An essential part of discussing your surgery is the cost of the surgery. The cost of a nose job varies with many factors such as the surgeon’s experience, your expectations, location, the technique used, healing time, etc. Some types of rhinoplasties are covered by insurance while others are considered purely cosmetic surgery. This is why talking to your doctor about the rhinoplasty surgery cost in detail is essential. Make sure you get a detailed breakup of the price and payment plans.

It is essential to keep your expectations realistic post-surgery. The reason for having rhinoplasty should be your own decision and not governed by Instagram celebrities and influencers or the opinions of others. Don’t compare your skin and nose to other models and friends. What works for others may work better for you. Take time to understand the procedure and ask as many questions as possible. Even after the surgery, keep in touch with the surgical team and communicate with them about any accidents or injuries to the nose. This will help in ensuring proper recovery. Attend all follow-up appointments.

About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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