From Consultation to Recovery: Your Comprehensive Guide to Nose Reshaping Surgery

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From Consultation to Recovery Your Comprehensive Guide to Nose Reshaping Surgery

From Consultation to Recovery: Your Comprehensive Guide to Nose Reshaping Surgery

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In the everyday conversations around us, you will hear things like nose up in the air, or right under your nose etc. quite often. There is no other body part that has so many sayings associated with it. The reason is that the nose is the central feature of the face and its shape and size greatly impact the overall appearance.

The boxiness of the nose can affect how your eyes appear, and too thin a nose makes the person look pinched or tired etc. etc. Hence, nose reshaping surgeries to get a beautiful nose shape are in great demand nowadays

Nose reshaping surgeries are simple invasive or non-invasive procedures to modify or augment the nasal structure in a way that it is ideal for the particular face. Since there is no one-size-fits-all nose for everybody, nose reshaping surgeries are to be handled with great care and they demand a high level of technical skill and experience on the part of the rhinoplasty surgeon.

Great attention is given to even the minutest of the details and the surgeon has to bring about his or her artistic skills with modern surgical precision to individualized every result and the surgery takes time. The aim is to get a beautiful nose shape that looks natural and does not have to be redone. Hence you must select the right surgeon and the right procedure, the first time! Nose reshaping surgeries not only improve the appearance of the nose but also improve breathing, and correct structural damages caused by injuries or deformities.

For optimal results, every patient undergoes a details assessment which discusses their concerns, aims and anatomy to formulate a surgical plan for bet results. Both, the rhinoplasty surgeon and the patient need to be on the same page and work together to get a beautiful nose shape. The surgeon also needs to clearly discuss the results and limiting factors of the rhinoplasty with the patient. Every patient should be completely informed and involved in every decision-making process and understand the results possible. Here is an all-inclusive guide to nose reshaping surgery that every person desiring to go in for the procedure should know about

Consultation with an Expert Rhinoplasty Surgeon

The nose job as it is popularly known, is a procedure that sculpts the shape of the nose for cosmetic and functional reasons. The first step is to book a consultation appointment with an expert rhinoplasty surgeon. The consultation with the surgeon will be done post doing some basic tests and taking some initial photographs. The surgeon will do a physical examination of the nose and check for any breathing issues.

People seek nose reshaping surgery for various reasons. Some have trouble breathing, and some have had a traumatic injury to the face that has resulted in nasal asymmetry. Or some just want to improve to a beautiful nose shape by changing its shape and size. During the consultation, the rhinoplasty surgeon will gather answers about

  • Skin type as the thickness of the skin also affects the results of the nose job
  • Ethnic background, to know more about the ideal nose shape
  • Age
  • History of previous nose or facial surgery or recent trauma to the face that might alter the nose shape
  • History of nasal obstructions such as breathing problems, sinus issues etc.

Types Of Rhinoplasties

There are several types of nose reshaping surgeries, also known as rhinoplasty procedures, designed to alter the size, shape, and appearance of the nose. These surgeries can be categorized based on their goals and the techniques used. Some common types of nose-reshaping surgeries include:

1. Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: Cosmetic rhinoplasty is performed primarily for aesthetic reasons, with the goal of improving the appearance of the nose. It can involve various techniques to address issues like

  • a dorsal hump (bump on the bridge of the nose),
  • nasal width,
  • asymmetry of the nose,
  • tip refinement for a round, bulbous, fatty nose
  • narrowing of the nostrils,
  • drooping nasal tip correction,
  • nasal airway problems because of valve collapse and septal deviation
  • and overall facial balance.

2. Functional Rhinoplasty: Functional rhinoplasty focuses on improving the nasal function, particularly when there are issues such as a deviated septum or breathing difficulties due to structural problems within the nose. This type of surgery aims to enhance both aesthetics and nasal airflow.

3. Open Rhinoplasty: Open rhinoplasty is a surgical approach in which an external incision is made along the columella (the strip of tissue between the nostrils), allowing the surgeon better access to the nasal structures. This technique is often used for more complex cases, as it provides a clearer view of the nasal anatomy.

4. Closed Rhinoplasty: Closed rhinoplasty involves making incisions inside the nostrils, avoiding any external scarring. This technique is suitable for less complex cases where the surgeon needs to make minor adjustments to the nasal structures.

5. Revision Rhinoplasty: Also known as secondary rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty is performed to correct issues that have arisen from a previous rhinoplasty surgery. It can be more complex due to the altered nasal anatomy from the initial surgery.

6. Ethnic Rhinoplasty: Ethnic rhinoplasty takes into consideration the unique nasal characteristics of different ethnicities. It aims to enhance the nose while maintaining the patient’s cultural identity and preserving the harmony of their facial features.

7. Reduction Rhinoplasty: Reduction rhinoplasty involves removing excess bone, cartilage, or tissue to reduce the size of the nose, especially when there is a prominent hump or wide nasal bridge.

8. Augmentation Rhinoplasty: Augmentation rhinoplasty is used to increase the size and projection of the nose, often using grafts or implants to achieve the desired appearance.

9. Tip Rhinoplasty: Tip rhinoplasty focuses specifically on reshaping the nasal tip. It can involve techniques to refine, rotate, lift, or lower the tip to achieve a more balanced and pleasing appearance.

10. Alarplasty: Alarplasty, also known as nostril reduction surgery, involves reshaping or resizing the nostrils. It is often performed to address wide or flared nostrils.

11. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: Non-surgical rhinoplasty uses injectable fillers, typically hyaluronic acid-based, to reshape and contour the nose without surgery. This is a temporary option and is suitable for minor corrections.

Once you understand about the type of nose reshaping procedures the surgeon will explain what the all the procedure will so and

  • How the nasal bones, cartilage and sometimes the skin will be sculped to reshape your nose.
  • What results can the patient expect
  • When the surgery can take place
  • Options and recovery with anaesthesia
  • Possible risks and complications
  • Any other surgeries or procedures recommended

The Ideal Candidate for Rhinoplasty

The idea candidate is a health male or female who is not suffering from any mental disorder. The other key factors determining the suitability are

  • Nasal maturity that is the candidate must be 15 or above of age
  • Emotional maturity to understand the risks and purpose of surgery
  • Having realistic expectations i.e., having clear understanding of goals and limitations
  • No body dysmorphia

For the ideal candidate the surgeon will confirm so. In the next step the doctor will use latest three-dimensional software to show what changes the surgery will bring out to their nose. The patient will also get to see the before and after photos of previously operated patients of similar shape and size. Once all is discussed the surgeon will issue instructions for the preparation of surgery and decide on a surgery day.

Preparation For Nose Reshaping Surgery

Like any other surgery, the steps to a beautiful nose shape also require some preparation of the surgery. The patient needs to take care of some basic things such as avoiding gaining or loosing weight too fast, staying away from caffeine, alcohol, smoking for at least a month before the surgery. Get all your lab and blood tests done in time and save the reports. If the surgeon has given any medications, then make sure you take them on time. Avoid taking aspirin, , anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can delay the healing and increase bleeding.

Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the faciality and stay with you at home from the first night after the surgery.

Nose Reshaping Surgery Procedure

Most nose reshaping surgeries are out patient procedures and done at an accredited surgical facility, outpatient surgery centre or in a hospital. On the day of the surgery

  • The surgical team will make you comfortable and you will be taken in the surgery room
  • The surgeon will put you under general anaesthesia and prepare for the procedure. For minor procedures, the doctor can use a combination of mild sedatives and local anaesthesia
  • Then as decided previously, the surgeon will make the initial incision on the underside of the nose and move the skin to gain access to the bone and cartilage under it. Then the necessary corrections will be made and the incision closed.
  • In closed rhinoplasty the incision is made inside the nose and the surgeon uses endoscope and other surgical equipment to make the necessary modifications.
  • If the surgeon is going to remove some portion of cartilage or modify the bone, then it is done in a delicate manner by scraping it using an osteotome.
  • If there is not enough cartilage available then cartilage grafting can also be done. Cartilage grafts add strength and support to the nose, giving it a beautiful shape and help clear the nasal airways.
  • Once the incisions are closed the surgeon might place a small splint on the patient’s nose to protect and stabilize it. the splint will stay on for 5-10 days. When the splint is not needed the surgeon will place some dressings on the nose which can be removed in day or two.

Recovery And Downtime Post Rhinoplasty

Recovery times vary with the type of rhinoplasty but on an average, they can be anywhere between one to two weeks. During the recovery time one should follow the detailed recovery instruction. Once the splint or dresses are removed then there is little or no burnishing which means the patient can go about their normal routines.

Full healing time post the nose reshaping surgery lasts for about one to three years because the skin has to shrink to adapt to the new nose shape. The tip refinement results take about three years to be fully visible.

  • For pain and discomfort use a cold compress or use the pain medications
  • Facial swelling and puffiness are normal and will go down a week after the surgery
  • Minor bruising around the eyes is normal

What To Do to Speed Up the Healing

  • Sleep with your head elevated to reduce the swelling
  • Avoid blowing the nose or sniffing for first two to three weeks post-surgery
  • Avoid the sun
  • Don’t wear sun glasses or goggles as they can make a dent on the healing nose and even damage
  • Avoid exertion and heavy exercises to reduce the risk of displacement and injuries
  • In case of fever, excessive bleeding, skin rash, unbearable pain, trouble in seeing get in touch with the rhinoplasty surgery immediately.

Cost Of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty cost, just like most plastic surgeries varies with the type of nose shaping surgery and the physician. The variables such as region, skill level of the surgeon, open or closed procedure, primary or revision surgery, hospital fees etc also affect the cost of surgery. 

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About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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