Glamour Redefined: Celebrity Rhinoplasty Surgery in Mumbai—Elevating Beauty in Bollywood with Precision and Elegance!

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Glamour Redefined: Celebrity Rhinoplasty Surgery in Mumbai—Elevating Beauty in Bollywood with Precision and Elegance!

Plastic surgeries, especially rhinoplasties, have a very long-standing relationship with Bollywood. Many Bollywood celebrities have opted for a nose job from Dr. Debraj Shome. Dr. Shome is a renowned celebrity plastic surgeon in Mumbai with a superior blend of expertise and a passion for leveraging global innovative techniques for safe and natural results. Rhinoplasty is a form of bespoke artistry in which Dr. Debraj Shome excels, and it is this passion that has made him a sought-after choice among celebrities and individuals seeking to achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

What Is Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure to reshape the nose for cosmetic or functional purposes. This popular form of plastic surgery can address many concerns, including correcting deformities, enhancing facial harmony, or improving breathing difficulties caused by nasal issues. The market value of rhinoplasty in 2022 was $5.5 billion, which is forecast to reach $10.9 billion by 2030.

Also known as nose reshaping surgery, this plastic cosmetic procedure can change the nose’s shape, size, or contour. This procedure is so popular because even a tiny 1mm change in the body and size of the nose can change your facial features and bring out the best of them. Rhinoplasty is also done for functional reasons, such as improving breathing and reducing snoring. Rhinoplasty surgeons successfully use simple nose surgery to correct birth defects and accidental injuries. Rhinoplasty is a highly individualized procedure that requires careful consideration of the patient’s unique facial features and desired outcomes. The surgery can involve various techniques, including removing or adding tissue, altering the nasal bridge or tip, and narrowing or widening the nostrils.

This is why celebrities love this procedure because a small system can bring about big changes in facial features. For example, narrowing the wide nose can improve facial symmetry, bring out the cheekbones, and improve chin projection. Dr. Debraj Shome performs rhinoplasty surgery regularly in his India-based practice, and The Esthetic Clinics is a well-known brand name that delivers the best results for rhinoplasty patients.

The most common types of rhinoplasties that are often sought after for aesthetic and functional concerns of the nose are:

  • Dorsal hump or bump reduction to reduce the prominent bump on the bridge of the nose
  • Septoplasty to correct the deviated septum and ease breathing issues and uneven nostrils.
  • Tip reshaping or tip plasty rhinoplasty to adjust or modify the shape and size of the nasal tip, such as the bulbous tip, boxy tip, or droopy tip

Whatever the reason for your seeking, Dr. Debraj Shome’s approach is to meet expectations, harmonize facial symmetry, and give the most natural-looking results. Even a small millimeter difference in the change can affect the outcomes; hence, every procedure is done with high precision and surgical fineness. Dr. Shome’s ample experience in rhinoplasty surgeries has helped thousands of patients meet their aesthetic goals.

There Are Two Standard Techniques Used To Perform Rhinoplasty.

  • Closed rhinoplasty, done entirely inside the nose, leaves no scars on the outside.
  • Open rhinoplasty is done when the surgeon needs more visibility inside the nose. The incisions are made on the columella.

Celebrity Rhinoplasty 

Many national and international celebrities have opted for rhinoplasty to enhance their facial features. Also, a recent study reported that celebrity influences on people’s choices for rhinoplasty are as high as 25.21%. This influence arises from celebrity before and after images of nose jobs. 

Dr. Debraj Shome is the most sought-after among Bollywood celebrities for his expertise and friendly and personable demeanour. He works personally and closely with all his patients to help them understand the suitable type of rhinoplasty, its risks, and its benefits. Client satisfaction is his prime motive, and he works diligently to ensure that all his clients get results they will love for years.

Over the years, it is clear that Dr. Shome’s work has played a significant role in shaping today’s beauty standards. His ability to create subtle yet impactful changes to the nose has revolutionized the way people perceive cosmetic surgery. By focusing on enhancing one’s natural features rather than completely altering them, Dr. Shome has helped individuals embrace their unique beauty and feel confident in their own skin. As the demand for natural-looking results continues to grow, it is no surprise that Dr. Debraj Shome remains at the forefront of the industry, setting the standard for glamour and beauty.

Dr. Shome has also been actively involved in research and education in cosmetic surgery. His numerous publications and presentations have contributed valuable insights and advancements to the industry. Additionally, Dr. Shome is dedicated to training the next generation of cosmetic surgeons, ensuring his knowledge and expertise are passed on to future practitioners. His commitment to excellence and innovation continues to shape the field of cosmetic surgery, making him a respected figure in the global medical community. Trusting Dr. Debraj Shome with your rhinoplasty procedure not only guarantees exceptional results but also supports ongoing progress in the field of cosmetic surgery.

Why Do Celebrities Opt For Rhinoplasty?

There are many benefits to rhinoplasty, including:

  • Improves the side and front nose profiles, harmonizes with the overall appearance, and makes the face more camera-friendly.
  • Harmonizes the tip of the nose according to the facial feature
  • Addresses deformities such as deviated septum, birth defects, and damage by trauma or injury, making breathing easier, reducing snoring and sinus issues, and improving daily life.
  • Reduces and removes the hump on the dorsum and corrects saddle nose deformity.

Dr. Debraj Shome

  • Specializes in plastic and reconstructive surgery.
  • Member of the All India Association of Plastic Surgeons and the American Academy of Ophthalmology
  • Fellow, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS)
  • The American Board is certified in facial cosmetic surgery.
  • Member, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Rhinoplasty at a Glance

Here Are Some Basic Facts About Rhinoplasty To Help You Understand The Procedure Better.

  • The procedure takes about 1 to 3 hours to complete. Liquid rhinoplasty is done in less than 30 minutes.
  • At maximum, an overnight stay is needed, and the patient can safely go home and heal.
  • In cases of surgical rhinoplasty, it is recommended that you take two weeks off work.
  • Return to basic daily activities can be done in 2 days.
  • Exercise can be started in 6 weeks.
  • Sleep on your back for 4 weeks after the procedure.
  • Avoid driving for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid wearing sunglasses until the healing is complete.
  • The recovery process takes 3-6 months, and results keep improving for up to 1 year.

Types of rhinoplasties Dr. Debraj Shome performs.

  • Tip adjustment, or tip plasty, is done to alter the shape of the tip. It can be done for the big tip caused by thick skin, crooked nose surgery tips, flared nostrils, hooked tips, etc., by modifying the cartilage structure.
  • Nose projection correction to right the over- or under-projected nose. Dr. Shome corrects this by trimming the cartilage at its tip or increasing the production using cartilage grafts from the ears or ribs.
  • Ethnic rhinoplasty is Dr. Shome’s specialty, and he is a pioneer in ethnic cosmetic plastic surgery in the country.
  • Alarplasty cost in india, or nasal width reduction, is done to reduce the width of the nostrils.
  • Osteotomy involves cutting bones to reshape the nose. This is done by creating tiny, controlled fractures on the nasal bone and reshaping and realigning the structure.
  • Revision or secondary rhinoplasty to fix a botched primary rhinoplasty. This procedure often involves the use of cartilage grafts to enhance the nose and improve its appearance.
  • Septoplasty for straightening the deviated septum.
  • Trubinoplasty, or turbinate rhinoplasty, is often done alongside septoplasty to reduce the size of turbinates and refine turbinates that have become swollen due to allergies or other irritants.

What should I expect during a rhinoplasty procedure?

  • The process starts with a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Shome to understand your concerns and discuss achievable goals. He will also ask about your health and any medical conditions that you might have.
  • You should be 18 years of age and older, physically fit, and in a healthy mental condition to make decisions about the surgery.
  • You will be advised to stop smoking at least six weeks before rhinoplasty.
  • Avoid taking aspirin and any medications as the surgeon advises a week before the procedure.
  • On the day of the surgery, arrive at least an hour before. The surgical team will record your vitals and clean the surgical area. You will be given anaesthesia, and then the surgeon will mark your nose before starting the procedure. Dr. Shome chooses incision sites that have minimum visibility.
  • After the procedure, you will be given detailed instructions about recovery and can go home.
  • Pain, swelling, and bruising is common after the surgery for a few days.
  • Follow the instructions for your surgery and use the pain medication as instructed.
  • External splints are removed after 1 week and internal supports after 1-2 weeks.
  • Rest as much as possible, and let the natural recovery process take its course.

In conclusion, the testimonials and success stories from Dr. Debraj Shome’s previous patients testify to his expertise and skill in rhinoplasty surgery. These stories highlight his work’s transformative power in enhancing individuals’ beauty and confidence. Dr. Shome’s impact on Bollywood’s perception of beauty cannot be understated, as he has played a significant role in redefining glamour and elevating beauty standards in the industry. Overall, it is crucial to recognize the importance of celebrity influence on beauty standards and to choose a skilled surgeon like Dr. Debraj Shome for rhinoplasty surgery, as their work can have a lasting impact on individuals’ lives and society.

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About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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