How to get insurance to pay for rhinoplasty?

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How to get insurance to pay for rhinoplasty?

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How to get insurance to pay for rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty surgery is a complex procedure. It is top ranking as the popular Best rhinoplasty surgery in India of the year and one of the most searched terms on Google. A nose job can make a dramatic difference in your facial profile and it has a great functional feature too. The nose is the center of the face and any asymmetry or abnormal contours stand out in a big way and disrupts the entire facial harmony. Unlike other features of the body, a perfect nose does not stand out and often goes unnoticed. But when it distracts from the rest of the features such as eyes or lips it negatively impacts the self-esteem of the individual.

Rhinoplasty or the nose job is surgery done to improve the nose contours, proportions, and functions. This involves manipulating the bone, cartilage, skin, and tissues inside the nose. For example, if you are going in for dorsal hum correction then the part of the bone needs to be shaved or filed off to straighten the bones. However, the cost of rhinoplasty can be different for some and many have this question in mind whether their insurance covers rhinoplasty and if yes then how to claim that. How to get the nose job covered by insurance is one of the primary questions that most patients ask during the initial consultation.

To correctly answer the question of if insurance covers Ideal nose jobs, it is important to understand the types of rhinoplasties.

There are mainly two types of rhinoplasties.

Cosmetic and Medical or functional. In both nose jobs, aesthetics remain a primary concern. But when it comes to talking about insurance, a cosmetic nose job is NOT covered in insurance whereas functional rhinoplasty can be fully or partially covered by insurance.

How to get a nose job covered by insurance

Functional rhinoplasty is done to repair the inner structure of the nose and create free airflow. This helps the patient breathe normally. Functional defects in the nose can be because of birth defects such as a deviated septum or a narrow nose or because of nasal trauma, injury or accident, etc. A medical nose job might not make any major appearance changes in your nose but it can manipulate the nasal contours in a way that is visibly more pleasing.

In order to get your nose job covered by insurance, you will have to prove that the rhinoplasty surgery addresses the functional problems of the nose and cannot be treated without surgery. You will also show reports that the conservation corrections have not worked. Insurance cover for nose jobs can be admitted for the treatment of

  • Deviated septum i.e., septoplasty. This surgery is part of a rhinoplasty procedure done to correct a crooked nose and cartilage between the two nostrils. This helps in correcting breathing problems and the crooked nose
  • Nasal fractures because of injury, trauma, or accidents that block the airway to the nose and make it difficult to breathe normally
  • Sinus inflammation that is chronic and does not respond to other treatments
  • Polyps
  • Other structural abnormalities.
  • Burn treatment.

The following cosmetic treatments of rhinoplasty are not covered by rhinoplasty insurance

  • Any change in the shape of the nostrils
  • Tip plasty i.e., modification in the shape and size of the tip
  • Narrowing of the nasal bridge
  • Straightening a crooked nose
  • Correcting nasal bumps
  • Changing nose angle
  • Liquid rhinoplasty

Most plastic surgeons often do both rhinoplasties in combination i.e., they correct the internal passages along with the exterior shape and contours. Which is actually a double benefit for the patient. However, the insurance will only cover the medical part of the treatment.

So, should I avoid rhinoplasty because of its cost?

Now that we know exactly what part of rhinoplasty insurance covers, the question arises should we avoid rhinoplasty? The answer is no.  Rhinoplasty has many benefits that are far greater than the cost. Rhinoplasty can help you with

  • Relief from congestion
  • Reduced sense of smell
  • Chronic nasal and sinus inflammation
  • The problem of breathing through the nose
  • Headaches caused because of sinus
  • Regular breathing
  • Turbinate reduction

Do you qualify for functional rhinoplasty?

In order to claim insurance coverage for a nose, the plastic surgeon first has to determine if you are a suitable candidate for functional rhinoplasty. If you are suffering from any of the following conditions then a simple or complex rhinoplasty can bring you much-needed relief.

  • Congenital nasal defects
  • Collapsed airways
  • Injury to the nose like a broken nose
  • Narrow nose hampering in regular breathing and other functions
  • Nasal trauma from infections and congestions.

Since rhinoplasty surgery is a permanent procedure and changes cannot be reversed but only corrected through a revision rhinoplasty, to be a good candidate you should have

  • Completed facial growth which is ideal by the time you turn 20
  • Sound physical and mental health
  • No smoke or alcohol abuse history
  • Realistic expectations and a good understanding of the surgery

How to get a nose job covered by insurance

Here are steps to follow for an insurance claim

  • Talk to health insurance about the coverage that you can get. There are clear guidelines for this. Ask about how much pre and post-operation costs they cover. This is a much safer option than assuming the coverage. Every insurance provider has set criteria and parameters to determine a patient’s medical coverage depending on the plan that they have opted for.
  • Check if the hospital accepts your insurance provider and whether you have opted for a cashless treatment or not
  • All top hospitals have an insurance department that can help you with the paperwork
  • Make sure that you take all your documents especially the insurance card with you when you go to the hospital on the day of surgery
  • Before you leave the hospital, check that all the bills are in order with proper invoice numbers, signs, and seals.
  • If you have paid for the treatment then make sure you attach the payment receipt too.

In cases where the insurance does not cover your type of rhinoplasty or you are not able to get the coverage and are concerned about how much the nose job will cost with or without insurance, you can consider the following potential options too

  • Credit card payments: most credit cards offer an EMI option that you can avail of this way the burden on you is reduced and you get the freedom to enjoy the rhinoplasty results.
  • The second option is to talk to the medical facility about the payment options. Most top medical facilities offer suitable payment plans for patients seeking rhinoplasty for cosmetic or functional reasons.

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Know the Difference Between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty?

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Know the Difference Between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty?

A nose job is a very popular type of surgery and it covers a vast number of procedures under its umbrella. This is not surprising because the nose is located at the front and centre of the face and it has a very important role in maintaining regular functions. The main function of the nose is to control and filter the airflow and help you breathe properly. But there is another important role of the nose is the beauty of the face. A crooked nose can make your lips look crooked. The crooked nose can be because of a slanted tip or it might be because of the deviated septum or bone structure.  The balance and harmony that the nose brings to the face are unique.

There are two main types of nose surgery:

septoplasty and rhinoplasty. both aim to improve the nose but address different issues. They can be done as stand-alone surgeries or combined for better results.

Many times what we see as a suddle nose deformity from the outside is related to some internal issues as well and both need to be treated to make the patient comfortable. Rhinoplasty focuses on treating the external appearance of the nose and septoplasty is aimed to correct or improve the internal defects.

When you visit the surgeon for a nose job, he will ask you about your concerns in detail and then help choose the right treatment for you. Rhinoplasty and septoplasty both have different goals but the aim is to improve your quality of life and self-confidence. It is therefore important to understand the difference between septoplasty and rhinoplasty to know what difference it will make in your nose and facial profile. Here we have listed some common things and major differences between rhinoplasty and septoplasty to help you understand which one to choose.


A rhinoplasty nose job is mostly done for cosmetic reasons primarily. The nose is a complex organ and each person’s nose is very unique. Therefore, the ideal nose for each person is different and there is no mold that every nose can fit in. Therefore your nasal structure has an individual relationship with your facial features. Unlike other plastic surgery procedures, conservatism is a prime consideration in rhinoplasty to preserve the natural and soft look. It is important to let your doctor know about what you are looking to correct.

Rhinoplasty can be done to

  • Reduce the size of the nose
  • Change the width of the bridge
  • Correct the hump on the bridge
  • Lengthen the nose
  • Make your nose symmetrical
  • Straighten a crooked nose
  • Change the orientation of the nose tip and alter its size and shape
  • Remove the depression on the bridge
  • Correct the size, position, and shape of the nostrils

Every patient has a different set of preferences when it comes to selecting the type of rhinoplasty. the final aim is to achieve a natural look that fits well with your facial features. There are very high degrees of refinement that can be achieved with surgical nose reshaping. In a rhinoplasty nose job, a detailed consultation is done with the surgeon about what you like and don’t like about your nose. The surgeon will carefully asses your nose, look at the photos, examine your skin type, and work with you to work out what nose shape works for the structure of your face. This procedure can be done in a minimally invasive way too i.e., with the use of threads or fillers. This is called liquid rhinoplasty and is done to augment the nose. A Liquid nose job is a temporary procedure less costly than the traditional rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can be done under local or general anesthesia. Rhinoplasty is usually not covered by insurance.


This type of nose job is done to correct the shape of the septum. The septum is the thin wall that separates the two nostrils. The septum has important functions, it supports the nose and helps direct the airflow. It is composed of cartilage and thin bone. When either the cartilage or the bone is not straight, it is called a deviated septum.  This can happen because of birth or an injury. About 80% of people around the world have some degree of deviation in the septum.

A deviated septum sometimes does not cause any symptoms or problems in an individual. But when left untreated or if it gets severe it can cause many problems such as

  • Reducing the airflow and causing difficulty in breathing. This obstruction can get worse when you get some cold or allergies as it can cause the nasal passage to become narrow and swell.
  • A deviated septum can cause dryness in the effect of airflow and it can cause crusting or bleeding in some people.
  • A crooked septum can also cause congestion in the nose and cause swelling in the tissue and skin lining on the insides of the nose. Medications can help reduce the swelling but not solve the deviated septum problem.
  • Snoring or noisy breathing when sleeping because of deviated septum and swelling in the tissues of the nose and obstructed breathing.
  • Sinus infections are mainly caused because of deviated septum and it can disrupt the person’s entire life. A chronic sinus infection can cause swelling, irritation, and inflammation in the nasal passages.
  • Obstructive Sleep apnea is a condition caused by a deviated septum and it results in a person to stop breathing in the night during the sleep. This can happen multiple times during the night. Sleep apnea decreases the oxygen supply to the brain and other parts of the body.

People suffering from deviated septum tend to sleep on one side to adjust breathing through the nose. Deviated septum should be treated to avoid long-term and short-term health problems. Septoplasty to correct the deviated septum is a simple surgery that can help relieve the patient of long-term pain and discomfort. A deviated septum cannot be treated with medications.

When untreated conditions like sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, depression, headache, ADHD, stroke and even poor performance in daily life and even affect children.


If you have difficulty in breathing or have had a recent trauma to the nose that has changed your breathing pattern then it is time to talk to your surgeon about septoplasty. The surgeon makes an incision to divide the nasal mucosa from bone and cartilage. Then the cartilage is straightened. Also if the problem is the bone then the surgeon will have to trim the bone or add a graft to help correct the deviation. Spreader grafts are small reinforcing strips that correct the deviated septum that is causing the problem along the bridge of the nose. Then the mucosa back over the bone and cartilage and the nose shape returned to normal. Septoplasty is a medical treatment that is covered by insurance.

When Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty overlap

Sometimes the deviated septum can cause off imbalance in the facial appearance too and hence septoplasty can be combined with rhinoplasty and it is called Septorhinoplasty. This not only corrects the breathing problem but also improves facial aesthetics. Every nose job needs to consider function and appearance. Septoplasty is careful about not disrupting the aesthetics of the nose and rhinoplasty is done carefully to preserve the nasal passageways. Deviated septum and rhinoplasty are commonly performed surgeries that are very safe and effective.

You can get a rhinoplasty and septoplasty at the same time and it has a lot of benefits in terms of

  • Cost
  • Safely
  • Recovery
  • Convenience

Cost of septoplasty and rhinoplasty

Septorhinoplasty is done in one go but the cost of septoplasty and rhinoplasty with insurance is different. Because the functional rhinoplasty is covered by insurance and rhinoplasty is not therefore you must talk to your provider before confirming for the surgery. when done together septoplasty and rhinoplasty cost is very economical i.e., Cost effective one because

  • The anaesthesiologist fees comes onto play only once.
  • You need to pay the surgeon’s feel only once
  • Better results without need of revision rhinoplasty
  • Fewer consultation.

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Different types of Rhinoplasty surgery

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Types of Rhinoplasty Surgeries

Rhinoplasty nose surgery or nose jobs are a type of plastic surgery that changes the shape, structure, contour, and size of the nose. There are many different reasons that people have nose jobs and they can be classified into two parts

  • Cosmetic rhinoplasty is done to change or improve how the nose or facial profile looks. Cosmetic rhinoplasty can be done through surgical and nonsurgical methods.
  • Functional rhinoplasty is performed to correct breathing and nasal function and can be done only through a surgical method.

Rhinoplasty is the most commonly performed plastic surgery around the world and it is a very safe and effective procedure. A simple procedure changes the way the rest of your face appears and these minor/major changes in the nose bring together the facial features in perfect harmony. What can the rhinoplasty do for you?

  • Correct birth defects
  • Dramatically improve your appearance
  • Repair a fractured nose
  • Open blocked nasal package
  • Restore breathing functions that have been hampered by injuries, burns, or treatments like cancer.

If you too are thinking of getting a nose job because you are unhappy with the size and shape of your nose or if you need a functional correction then it is important to know about different types of nose surgery.

Different types of nose jobs

The type of nose surgery suitable for an individual depends on him and the technique the surgeon deems most fit. The Patient’s anatomy and the expected results play an important role in dictating the approach. Nose jobs are classified into various types based on the approach that the surgeon takes, and the problem that needs to be targeted.

On the bases of the surgical approach, the types of nasal surgeries include

  • Open rhinoplasty: In this type of surgery, the incisions are made on the outside of the nostrils to get access to the inside. This type of nose surgery gives the surgeon the freedom to the entire nasal structure and to reshape the nose easily. This type of open rhinoplasty is usually preferred when extensive work is to be done for the patient. Or for patients who have a number of nasal issues such as structural deformities or collapsed valves from a previous rhinoplasty. The incisions are barely noticeable and there is very little visible scarring.
  • Closed rhinoplasty: This is a more popular option than closed rhinoplasty as all the incisions are made inside the nose and nothing is visible outside. There is a low chance of complicated swelling or edema post this procedure. This rhinoplasty is suitable when the structural changes are small.
  • Filler rhinoplasty: This is the non-invasive way to a nose job. Fillers are used to reshape the nose to a more symmetrical and balanced form. There is no suture or pain or downtime in this procedure. However, this is a temporary option for a nose job and this type of nose surgery cannot decrease the size of the nose. This type of nasal surgery is suitable for people who only want to correct minor imperfections in their nasal region and do not want to opt for a permanent change.

Different kinds of nose jobs based on cosmetic or functional concerns:

  • Reduction of Rhinoplasty: This type of nose surgery is done to reduce the size of the nose. The surgeon can do this in the open or closed method. The surgeon can reduce the overall size of the nose or work on the areas that are bothering you such as a tip, a hump nose, a dip, and more. This is an invasive surgery and is done by removing the cartilage rhinoplasty or bone to get the expected size and shape of the nose. The skin is not trimmed because it will mold to the new size and shrink naturally.
  • Augmentation rhinoplasty: This type of nose surgery is done to improve the proportions of the nose. This can be done through a surgical method or as a liquid rhinoplasty. This type of nose job can alter small noses and repair cartilage damage. Augmentation improves the shape of the nose and adjusts the features such as building up the nasal tip and/or the nasal bridge. For augmentation rhinoplasty, the surgeon uses a rib or ear graft. Liquid rhinoplasty uses fillers to augment the nose.
  • Post-traumatic rhinoplasty: The nose is a delete structure and even small injuries can alter the shape of the nose or affect its functionality. When an injury or trauma happens to the nose there can be many effects it such as broken bones, damage to the cartilage (or septal hematoma), asymmetry, visible changes to the nose, internal deviations, nasal bridge collapse causing a boxer nose or saddle nose and even breathing issues. This type of nose operation is done to bring the nose back to its original shape and appearance.
  • Reconstructive rhinoplasty: Sometimes treatments like cancer or facial trauma or an illness can seriously disfigure the nose because of lack of tissue or crushed bones and cause medical issues. Reconstructive nose surgery is done to restore the nose to its previous state following this, Reconstructive rhinoplasty is done in multiple surgeries and it might take many months to get the results.
  • Refinement rhinoplasty: As the name suggests this is one of the different kinds of nose job which is done for purely cosmetic reasons. The most common is tip refinement and it is one of the highly individualized nose surgery procedures and has to be designed by keeping the facial characteristics in mind. This type of nasal surgery is done to make changes in the tip of the nose. Tip plasty can reduce the bulbous tip, restore the droopy tip etc. Tip plasty can be done as an open surgery or a closed rhinoplasty.
  • Ethnic Rhinoplasty: Each culture has a different facial feature and the nose, eyes, and even lip shapes differ. This type of nose surgery is done to bring symmetry and aesthetics to the nose by keeping the ethical characteristics of the patient in mind.
  • Revision rhinoplasty or corrective rhinoplasty: Sometimes the primary rhinoplasty does not give the desired results or the patient is not careful enough during the recovery and the nasal functions and shape do not turn out the way it should be. Revision rhinoplasty is done to correct the problems with the previous surgery. The common issues that corrective rhinoplasty can address are
  • Obstruction in the nasal region
  • An overdone previous nose job
  • Worsened asymmetry
  • Not enough cosmetic change to show the correct shape
  • Incorrect tip projection
  • Scar tissue formation
  • Improper bridge height such as over-reduction and incomplete reduction
  • Septoplasty: This is a type of nasal surgery that is done to fix the deviated septum. The septum is the important part of the nose and is made of bone and cartilage and divides the two nostrils. When the septum moves to one side of the nose and affects breathing. Septum deviation can happen at birth or because of an injury to the nose. The cosmetic surgeon can use a donor rib cartilage to stabilize the nasal tip and still maintain the external shape of the nose.
  • Turbinoplasty: Turbinates are small shell-like structures along the wall of the nose and they normally don’t hamper the function of the nose their primary function is to cleanse and humidify the air as it passes through the nostrils. But in case of swelling, they can obstruct the breathing. The triggers for this swelling include allergies, infections, and cause irritation, etc. Trubinoplasty is done to reduce the size of the enlarged structures and give relief to the patient.
  • Alarplasty: This surgery is done to correct the shape of the alar i.e. the sides of the nose at the bottom. It is done by reshaping the nose structure to improve the balance at the base and improve harmony with other nasal parts.
  • Polypectomy: This type of nose job surgery aims to remove the nose polyps. The polyps are swelling on the nose lining that can cause severe nasal obstruction and reduced sense of smell. This is an invasive surgery and needs proper recovery time.

The types of nose surgery cost

Different kinds of nose jobs have different costs. The cost of nose surgery depends on many factors such as the type of nose surgery, the expectations of the patient, the skin type, and the surgeon’s expertise. The doctor can combine different types of nose surgeries to address all the concerns of the individual.

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Nine Nose Shapes that Can be Corrected with Rhinoplasty

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Nine Nose Shapes that Can be Corrected with Rhinoplasty

Surgery to fix the nose can do a lot of things such as changing the shape and size and even the straightness of the nose. Mostly rhinoplasty surgery in india has opted for cosmetic reasons and nose shape correction. Have you also ever looked in the mirror and wished that your nose had a different shape? If the answer is yes then time to talk to your surgeon about a nose job. Rhinoplasty ranks as the number one cosmetic procedure for a simple reason this procedure can dramatically alter your appearance.

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Five Things to Avoid After Rhinoplasty Surgery?

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19 Feb 23 0 Five Things to Avoid After Rhinoplasty Surgery?

A rhinoplasty or a nose job is a simple surgical or nonsurgical procedure done to correct the functional and cosmetic defects in the nose. A successful nose job can give dramatic, satisfying, and very positive results with minimal downtime. The only thing to remember is the nose job is the first step to getting the perfect nose. The care that you take during your recovery time plays an important role in the final results of a rhinoplasty.

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About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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